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29 March 2019 Friday

Competition: “Find The Library Map, Win The Prize”
Time: 14.00-16.00
Place: Main Campus Library

About the Competition

  1. Come to the Reference Room, find the librarian.
  2. Pick an envelope for your question.
  3. Answer the question and search the related book in the library.
  4. Locate the book, find the map.
  5. Go to the location marked on the library map.
  6. The faster you are, the better chances of winning the prize.

Rules of the Competition

  • The competition is open to current Bilkent University students.
  • Aim: Answer the questions about the library and its services and arrive at the marked place in the library plan by following the clues.
  • In order to join the competition please fill out the registration form, until 27th March, 2019, 17.00.
  • The first six students (three competitors, three substitutes) who filled out the competition registration form will join the competition.
  • We will inform the competitors via e-mail.
  • We will announce the winner via library social media.
  • Prize information:
  1. 150 TL Meteksan gift token
  2. 100 TL Meteksan gift token
  3. Coffee and cake (Coffee Break)