- Introduction
- American Chemical Society (ACS)
- Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
- Cambridge University Press (CUP)
- The Royal Society Publishing
- The Company of Biologists
- Institute of Physics (IOP)
- The Electrochemical Society (ECS) Digital Library
- Mathematical Sciences Publishers (MSP) Journal
- Oxford Journals Online (OJO)
- Wiley
- Springer Nature
- Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)
- De Gruyter
Read and Publish agreements, sometimes called transformative agreements are changing the business model of scholarly journal publishing. The separate costs of a subscription to read articles and the Article Processing Charge (APC) to publish articles are brought together under a single agreement—to drive the transition of journal publishing towards open access of the version of record. Read and Publish agreements provide authors with the opportunity to publish via open access immediately on acceptance without the need for additional payment of transactional Article Processing Charges (APC). The process to do this is typically part of the publisher's standard acceptance workflows that authors follow.
Bilkent University Library has entered into Read & Publish agreements with the following publishers:
The list sort from oldest to newest.
- American Chemical Society (ACS)
- Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
- Cambridge University Press (CUP)
- De Gruyter
- The Royal Society Publishing
- The Company of Biologists
- Institute of Physics (IOP)
- The Electrochemical Society (ECS) Digital Library
- Mathematical Sciences Publishers (MSP) Journals
- Oxford Journals Online (OJO)
- Wiley
- Springer Nature
- Royal Society Chemistry (RSC)

For queries about read & publish agreements, please get in touch with your Faculty Librarian.
Any further agreements or details will be added to this page when available.
Researcher Profiles and IDs
The Library recommends that Bilkent faculty members create researcher profiles. Setting up researcher profile IDs on platforms such as ORCID, Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar offers significant benefits for researchers. These platforms enhance academic visibility, facilitate citation tracking, showcase publications, and overall, help bolster the researcher's impact in their field.
A three-year agreement covering the years 2025, 2026, and 2027 was signed with American Chemical Society (ACS). Within the scope of this agreement, Bilkent University members will not pay the Article Processing Fee for open-access articles to be published in ACS journals.
Full-text access is provided to journals published by the American Chemical Society in the field of chemistry and related disciplines. Also, the platform includes archive of the journals beginning from 1879. The current number of journals is 78, 12 of which are open-access.
! There is a national and institutional quota for open-access publication in the ACS journals.
-Bilkent University has 15 tokens for 2025.
-All Bilkent members have 1 open-access publication right.
-Bilkent authors who contribute to multi-author articles will be deemed to have used their 1 right.
*Remaining tokens: 10
-Bilkent University has 15 tokens for 2025.
-All Bilkent members have 1 open-access publication right.
-Bilkent authors who contribute to multi-author articles will be deemed to have used their 1 right.
*Remaining tokens: 10
- The corresponding author should be a Bilkent University author and an institutional e-mail address (@bilkent.edu.tr) should be used during submission.
- Institutional affiliation should be stated in the body of the manuscript.
- Articles must have an acceptance date that falls within the period of the current agreement. (2025-2027).
- All papers will be published with a CC-BY license.
- More information and instructions can be found on the ACS website.
Please click here
Eligibility: Bilkent University corresponding authors.
Find below the steps to publish open access under ACS Read & Publish Agreement, once your article is accepted:
Step 1: Once your article is accepted, you will receive an email to complete the Journal Publishing Agreement (JPA).
- “Yes I wish to publish Open Access” option should be selected to complete the JPA signing process.
- “Order Open Access” link provided after you sign the publishing agreement should be followed.
Step 2: The “Order Open Access” link will take you to Copyright Clearance Center RightsLink®, ACS’s open access e-commerce partner for open access transactions.
- Select “Seek Funding from (Your Institution/Agreement)” and click “Next”.
Step 3: Charges Estimate page will come next.
- Review the details including the agreement assigned creative commons license, and that the total due is $0.
Step 4: The Copyright Clearance Center requires a registered account in RightsLink® to complete the funding request transaction.
- Here you can create an account, if you don’t already have one, or sign in if you do have an account. Please note that this account is different from your ACS account.
Step 5: Order Review page will come next.
- The Billing Address is the address for the administrative entity of the open agreement, for example, the consortia or institution with which the agreement is associated with. Check that you have agreed to the ACS Terms and Conditions and click “Submit for Approval” to complete the open access funding request.
You will receive a confirmation email from the Copyright Clearance Center (no-reply@copyright.com) once your request is approved. At this stage, your steps to receive open access funding are complete. The published article will indicate the selected public use license to let readers know it’s open access.
Journal Publishing Agreement demo videos
Within the scope of the agreement signed with the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) as of 2025, Bilkent University members will not pay any Article Processing Fee for open access articles to be published in ACM's Hybrid and Gold Open Access journals, and conference proceedings. There will be no limit to the number of articles to be published.
- An accepted manuscript is eligible for ACM OPEN when the corresponding author's primary affiliation is Bilkent University.
- Institutional affiliation and e-mail address (@bilkent.edu.tr) should be used.
- The number of OA publishing under this agreement is unlimited.
- This agreement covers articles submitted between January 1st, 2025, and January 31st, 2026.
- Articles published under ACM Open immediately becomes open access in the ACM Digital Library.
- The default Creative Commons license is CC-BY.
- More information and instructions can be found on the ACM website.
- ACM Open FAQs
Eligibility: Bilkent University corresponding authors.
Article Types: All fully peer-reviewed research articles newly published in ACM’s Hybrid and Gold Open Access journals and conference proceedings are eligible.

“Read and Publish” agreement with Cambridge University Press (CUP), which started in 2021, will continue in 2025. Within the scope of the agreement, Bilkent University members will not pay any Article Processing Fee for the articles to be published in Hybrid and Gold Open Access journals. There is no limit to the number of articles to be published.
- The corresponding author should be a Bilkent University author.
- Be accepted for publication in a CUP journal covered by the agreement.
- Articles must have an acceptance date that falls within the period of the current agreement. (01.01.2025 - 31.12.2025)
- Once your paper is accepted under this agreement, a Creative Commons license should be selected.
(Available options are CC BY 4.0, CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 and CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) - More information and instructions can be found on the CUP website.
Eligibility: Bilkent University corresponding authors.
Article Types: Original research: research articles, review articles, rapid communications, brief reports, and case reports
Within the scope of the agreement signed with The Royal Society Publishing for 2025, Bilkent University members will have the right to publish an unlimited amount of open-access articles in the journals of The Royal Society publishing without paying an Article Processing Fee. In addition, all the archives of the journals from 1665 to the present are also accessible.
- The corresponding author needs to have a Bilkent affiliation.
- Articles accepted within the period of the current agreement are eligible. (01.01.2025 - 31.12.2025)
- The number of OA publishing under this agreement is unlimited.
- During the submission process, state Bilkent University as your institution and select the ‘Read & Publish’ option.
- More information and instructions can be found on the Royal Society Publishing website.
Eligibility: Bilkent University corresponding authors.

Within the scope of the R&P agreement with the Company of Biologist, the Library, in addition to its continuing subscription to the Journal of Cell Science, now has unlimited access to the hybrid journals of Development and Journal of Experimental Biology and their archives dating back to 1853. The journals can be cross-searched here alongside the fully Open Access journals - Disease Models & Mechanisms and Biology Open. Also corresponding authors from Bilkent University will be able to publish Open Access research articles without paying an article processing charge (APC) in these journals.
- The corresponding authors should be affiliated with Bilkent University.
- The research article submitted should be accepted for publication in The Company of Biologists journals.
- Articles must have an acceptance date that falls within the period of the current agreement. (01.01.2025- 31.12.2027)
- Papers will be published with a CC BY 4.0 license.
- Please refer to the step-by-step guide for corresponding authors on how to publish Open Access free of charge in Company of Biologists’ journals.
- The Company of Biologists provides various videos on their Read & Publish initiative, please check their video collection.
- More information can be found on the Company of Biologists website.
- Read and publish FAQs.
Eligibility: Bilkent University corresponding authors.
Article Types: Research articles.

Bilkent University Library signed a read-and-publish deal with IOP for 2023 to 2025.
• Accepted in the listed below IOP journals where a Bilkent University affiliated author is the corresponding author can be published Open Access at no additional charge (free APC- Article Processing Charge).
• This agreement covers 53 hybrid journals and 21 gold journals.
• Unlimited open-access publishing to eligible IOP journals. Please click here for the "Publish List."
• License options: CC-BY
How to publish under the agreement
How to Get Published-Presentation (By Nicole Davies-25.03.2025 at Bilkent University)
Author guide
Please click here for the "Author Guide."
• Bilkent University corresponding authors.
• Bilkent University institutional e-mail address.
Eligible article types
Research articles
Special issue articles
Review articles
See also
View all article publication charges
IOPP Journal Finder: Use IOPP Journal Finder to see if you might be covered by a transformative agreement.
IOPP Journal Finder: Use IOPP Journal Finder to see if you might be covered by a transformative agreement.

The Electrochemical Society was founded in 1902 to advance the theory and practice at the forefront of electrochemical, solid state science and technology, and allied subjects.
Please click here for the ECS Publications.
Bilkent University Library signed a read-and-publish deal with The Electrochemical Society (ECS) Digital Library for 2025. This agreement covers articles submitted between January 1st, 2025, and December 31st, 2025.
ECS Plus is a subscription to the entire ECS Digital Library, PLUS unlimited article credits for Open Access publication for affiliated authors. Authors from ECS Plus affiliated institutions must select ECS Plus under Step 6 – Open Access Waivers, Charges and Credits at the time of manuscript submission to take advantage of an article credit.
Follow these simple steps to publish your articles with ECS Plus and take advantage of this valuable opportunity to broaden the reach of your research.
Step one: When you submit your article to an ECS journal, you’ll be asked if you wish to publish open access. Select ‘Yes’
Step two: Select ‘ECS Plus’ and name your institution in the supporting information box.
Note: The process is slightly different with IOPScience journals in that authors must select the ECS Plus option when they are submitting their manuscripts in order to take advantage of it.

We are happy to announce that all 2025 content in the following
Mathematical Sciences Publishers (MSP) Journals will be published open access:
Geometry & Topology
Algebraic & Geometric Topology
Algebra & Number Theory
Analysis & PDE
Pacific Journal of Mathematics
The 2025 run of these five journals will be free to read, and Bilkent University affiliated authors will not pay the Article Process Fee (APC) to publish open access.
Frequently asked questions
Policies for Authours
Within the scope of the agreement signed with the Oxford University Press Journals Online as of 2025, Bilkent University members will not pay any Article Processing Fee for open access articles to be published in Oxford Journal Online's Hybrid Journals. There will be no limit to the number of articles to be published.
- The corresponding author should be a Bilkent University author.
- Be accepted for publication in an OUP journal covered by the agreement.
- Articles must have an acceptance date that falls within the period of the current agreement. (01.01.2025 - 31.12.2025)
- Please click the link for "Read and Publish Agreement Author Guide."
- Bilkent University corresponding authors.
- Bilkent University institutional e-mail address.
- Research article
- Review article
- Brief report
- Case report
Click for the author guide.

Within the scope of the Wiley Open Access (OA) agreement made on the national scale, all universities in Türkiye, including Bilkent University, continue to provide access to 1367 e-journals of Wiley, and "Research Article", "Review Article", "Data Article" and "Rapid Publication" publications in Web of Science and Q1 and Q2 Group Wiley Hybrid and Wiley Gold Journals (excluding Hindawi) will be within the scope of OA support.
Bilkent University members will have the opportunity to publish open-access articles in the journals of the relevant publisher without any processing fee.
Journals Covered: Click here for the list that is funded for open access.
! There is a national quota for open-access publication in the Wiley journals.
- Bilkent University faculty members.
- Corresponding or co-author of article.
- Bilkent University institutional e-mail address.
- If submitting to a fully gold open access journal your manuscript must have been submitted on or after 1 January 2025. See How to publish in a fully open-access journal.
- If submitting to a hybrid journal your manuscript must have been accepted for publication on or after 1 January 2025. See How to publish in a hybrid open-access journal.
Article Types:
- Research article
- Review article
- Data article
- Rapid publication
Advantages of Open Access Publication
Agreement Details and Frequently Asked Questions:

A "Read and Publish" agreement that covers the years of 2024-2026 was signed between Springer Nature and TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM within the scope of the National Academic License for Electronic Sources (EKUAL) Project.
Within the scope of the Springer Nature open access agreement made on the national scale, the corresponding authors of all universities in Türkiye, including Bilkent University, are eligible to publish as open access in the hybrid journals of Springer Nature (except BioMed Central journals, and Nature journals) without any processing fee.
Note: A pilot application was initiated by adding BioMedcentral (BMC) journals to the Read and Publish Agreement made between ULAKBİM and Springer Nature. Within this scope, 75% APC discount will be applied for Türkiye. Authors will be able to publish in 62 BMC journals at an APC discount.
Please click here for the list of BMC journals, and detailed info about the agreement.
!There is a national quota for open-access publication in Springer Nature hybrid journals.
What Writers Need to Know:
- The publication of the responsible author whose article is accepted in the hybrid journals will be queued in the order of arrival of the publication if the author wishes. Articles that meet the criteria determined by TÜBİTAK within the country's yearly publication quota will be approved in the system after evaluations.
- Bilkent University corresponding authors
- Bilkent University institutional e-mail address
- Original Paper
- Review Paper
- Continuing Education
Workflow for Publishing Open Access
Useful Links:
Springer Nature-Türkiye OA Agreement
Author Guide
An agreement covers the year of 2025 was signed with Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC). Within the scope of this agreement, corresponding authors of Bilkent University will not pay Article Processing Fee for open-access articles to be published in hybrid and gold journals of RSC.
-Bilkent University has 2 tokens for 2025.
*Remaining tokens: 2
Within the scope of the agreement, for articles written by Corresponding Authors, which do not qualify to be published as OA Articles for free, the Corresponding Authors shall be eligible for a 15% discount on the standard article processing charge (APC) to publish their articles as OA Articles.
Click to learn more info about publishing open access.
Please click here for the list of journals funded for open access.
Eligibility: Bilkent University corresponding authors.

-Bilkent University has 2 tokens for 2025.
*Remaining tokens: 2
Within the scope of the agreement, for articles written by Corresponding Authors, which do not qualify to be published as OA Articles for free, the Corresponding Authors shall be eligible for a 15% discount on the standard article processing charge (APC) to publish their articles as OA Articles.
Click to learn more info about publishing open access.
Please click here for the list of journals funded for open access.
Eligibility: Bilkent University corresponding authors.

Within the scope of the agreement signed with SAGE as of 2025, Bilkent University members will have the right to publish open access at APC discount in SAGE's hybrid and gold journals.
- The APC fee for hybrid journals is £ 200.
- For gold open-access journals, a 20% discount will be applied to the APC fee.
You can visit the page for general information about Sage Open Access.

- Bilkent University Library and De Gruyter have entered into a read-and-publish agreement for the year of 2025.
- Under this agreement, Bilkent University members will not pay the Article Processing Fee for open-access articles to be published in De Gruyter’s Hybrid, S2O (Subscribe to Open), Sponsored, and Gold OA (GOA) journals.
- There is no limit to the number of articles to be published.
Who Is Eligible?
- All Bilkent University members with a Bilkent University institutional e-mail address (must be corresponding authors of the article).
Which Types of Publications Are Included Under This Agreement?
- Articles
- Original Papers
- Review Papers
- Case Reports
- Brief Communications
- Continuing Education
- Submit your article to a De Gruyter journal using your Bilkent e-mail address.
- After accepting your article, De Gruyter will automatically check if an institutional open-access agreement applies.
- If your article meets the requirements, you will be asked if you wish to publish open access at the submission stage. Then APC will covered by Bilkent University, and your article will be published open access under a Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 without any cost.
*Please click here for the list of journals that you can publish your articles as open access.
*There is no open-access publishing right in Read-Only type journals.
Click below to find more information about open access.