Thesis Submission Procedure
The thesis submission procedure at Bilkent University Library is designed to complete the graduation procedures for graduate students and make their academic work accessible. Below is a step-by-step explanation of the thesis submission procedure.
*Students continuing to the doctorate must complete the thesis submission and clearance procedures.
1. Preparation of Thesis Format
Your thesis must be prepared in accordance with the format and style guidelines set by Bilkent University and submitted in both printed and digital (CD) formats. The content and layout of the file in the CD must be identical to the printed copy. Both formats must include a completed signature page.
Required Documents:
You must bring one wet-signed copy of the following documents during thesis submission:
- Bilkent University Thesis Database Submission and Permission Form
- Bilkent University Graduate Thesis Access Postponement Request Form (if there is an access postponement request)
- YÖK National Thesis Center Data Entry and Publication Permission Form
- Bilkent University Doctoral and Graduate Students Clearance Form
The Thesis Database Submission and Permission Form allows us to make your thesis accessible through the university library and, if necessary, publish it in accordance with the open-access policies. A copy will be taken by the library, and the original signed by the authorized librarian will be returned to you.
The Bilkent University Graduate Thesis Access Postponement Request Form is required if there is an access restriction on your thesis work. The information on this form must match the access postponement details specified on the Thesis Database Submission and Permission Form. The form must include necessary signatures.
The YÖK National Thesis Center Data Entry and Publication Permission Form must be completed on the YÖK National Thesis Center platform. A wet-signed copy of the form must be submitted to the library along with your thesis and other documents. This copy will remain with the library.
The Bilkent University Doctoral and Graduate Students Clearance Form will be signed and returned to you by the authorized librarian upon completion of the library thesis submission procedure.
2. Thesis Review and Approval Process
To initiate the library thesis submission procedure, you must apply to the User and Access Services Unit at the Main Campus Library with one printed and one digital (CD) copy of your thesis, and the required documents. The authorized librarian will check the printed and digital copies of your thesis. If there are no issues, the submitted documents will be signed, and the necessary copies will be taken. Ensuring that your thesis adheres to the format and style guidelines, includes all required signatures, and has identical content in both printed and digital formats is crucial for completing the library thesis submission procedure..
Any library materials borrowed from Bilkent University Library that have not yet been returned will prevent the clearance process. To complete the thesis submission procedure and clearance process, all borrowed materials must be returned, and any overdue fees must be paid.
3. Publication of Theses in Bilkent University Institutional Repository
If there is no access postponement request, the digital copy of your thesis will be made accessible in the Bilkent University Institutional Repository under the open access policy.