General Rules


Circulation Rules

Bilkent Alumni Library Rules

Library Membership Rules

Interlibrary Loan and Document Supply Rules

Art Collection Circulation and Usage Rules

Multimedia Room Circulation and Usage Rules

European Union Information Centre Rules

Microform Collection Usage Rules

USA Government Printing Office Usage Rules

Halil İnalcik and Special Collection Usage Rules

Hasan Âli Yücel Collection Rules

Storage Collection Usage Rules

Reference Storage Collection Usage Rules

Visually Handicapped Room Usage Rules

Workstations Usage Rules

A Block (2nd Floor) Large Group-Study Rooms Rules

A Block (2nd Floor) Silent Zone Rules

Orientation Room Usage Rules

Art Gallery Usage Rules

Thesis Submission Rules

Cafe Usage Rules

General Rules

  1. Bilkent University Library resources and services are only available to: Bilkent University members; Bilkent University alumni; academic staff from the other Turkish universities with protocol agreements; and non-Bilkent academics and graduate students (Master’s and Ph.D.) who have individual membership of the library.
  2. The library collection is protected by an electronic checkpoint at the exit. If necessary you may be subject to a body and bag search by the security staff.
  3. Bilkent University ID card must be scanned at the entrance.
  4. Anyone misusing or damaging library materials or premises will be subject to disciplinary measures.
  5. No smoking in the Library.
  6. The only drink permitted in the Library is water. Food may only be consumed in the Library cafeteria areas.
  7. Mobile phones should be switched to “silent” mode and conversations on mobile phones should be held outside of the Library.
  8. Library users should be quiet in the library study halls and corridors; otherwise, users will be warned by the library staff or the security officers.
  9. Failure to comply with any of the rules will result in administrative procedures.


In accordance with the Law of Intellectual Property Rights (Fikir ve Sanat Eserleri Kanunu), the right to reproduce the original or copies of a work (book) stamped with “Bilkent University Library” in any form or method, completely or directly or indirectly, temporarily or permanently, belongs exclusively to the owner of the work.

  • Within this framework, the users of Bilkent University Library cannot make a photocopy of the materials or reproduce, distribute, or make any parts of the materials available to others.
  • Otherwise, all legal responsibilities will belong to the user.

Circulation Rules

Bilkent Users

  • Borrowing Books, Bound Journals and Non-Book Materials
  • Overdue and Lost Books, Bound Journals and Non-Book Materials
  • Reserve Material

Bilkent Users

1. Borrowing Books, Bound Journals and Non-Book Materials

  1. Bilkent University academic staff and research assistants may borrow up to 40 printed items (books, journals, etc.) and up to 15 multimedia items (DVDs, CDs, etc.) at any one time. Printed items are lent for 120 days, and multimedia items for 15 days.
  2. Bilkent University part-time academic staff may borrow up to 20 and graduate students may borrow up to 30 printed items (books, journals, etc.) and up to 7 multimedia items (DVDs, CDs, etc.) at any one time. Printed items are lent for 30 days, and multimedia items for 7 days.
  3. Bilkent University undergraduates and administrative staff may borrow up to 15 printed items (books, journals, etc.) and up to 7 multimedia items (DVDs, CDs, etc.) at any one time. Printed items are lent for 15 days, and multimedia items for 7 days.
  4. The loan-period of material which has not been “reserved” (hold) by another user may be extended twice online using My Library Account on the Library website. Materials to be renewed more than twice should be brought to the Library.
  5. If a user has urgent need for an item which is currently on loan, the user can recall the item by contacting the Circulation Desk. Bilkent University Library reserves the right to recall borrowed material before the due date.
  6. The Special, Inalcik, Hasan Âli Yücel Collections and the European Union Information Centre are governed by special rules.
  7. Interlibrary loan and photocopy requests are governed by special rules.

2. Overdue and Lost Books, Bound Journals and Non-Book Materials

  1. Users will receive a reminder e-mail three days before the due-date of an individual item.
  2. The Library will notify readers by e-mail when materials are past due. The borrower bears full responsibility for their timely return.
  3. The current fine per book, journal or non-book item per day is charged for late returns.
  4. In the case of loss of a book, journal or non-book item, the reader will be obliged to pay its replacement value in Turkish Liras at the Central Bank rate of exchange prevailing on the day of payment, plus the cost of processing the new item, according to material type. Together with the amount owing for late returns as of the date on which the item is reported as lost.

3. Reserve Materials

  1. Printed reserve materials are located in the Reserve Sections of Main and East Campus Libraries.
  2. The users can borrow reserve items for 2 hours with their ID card. If the item has not been requested by another user, the loan period may be extended for an additional 2 hours upon request from the user.
  3. An hour-based fee will be charged  to every reserved item that is returned late.
  4. Materials will be removed from the reserve collection or their placement in the collection will be extended according to the date on the Reserve Request Form.
  5. The user can borrow the book or printed material delivered by academic staff. An ID card must be given to the library staff, before loaned for a short time use only for photocopying.

Bilkent Alumni Library Rules

  • Library Membership conditions
  • At the entrance of the library
  • Material lending
  • Overdue and lost materials
  • Usage of the library electronic resources

1. Library Membership conditions:

  1. The Bilkent University Library Membership Form, available on the library web page or from the Circulation Desk, should be completed.
  2. A Bilkent University Alumni Card, given by the Office of Alumni, is required for the registration procedures.
  3. To become a library member a deposit should be paid. In case of cancellation of the membership, the deposit is refunded to the reader after deducting any material delay and/or loss fees.
  4. The reader uses the Bilkent University Alumni Card to borrow materials. Borrowings and their due dates can be checked and/or viewed through “My Account” heading on the library web page.

2. At the entrance of the library:

  1. Security of the library collection is provided with the magnetic door control system.
  2. If necessary, the security staff can inspect you and your bag.
  3. It is compulsory to read the Bilkent University Alumni Card when entering the library.

3. Material lending:

  1. The Bilkent Alumni, can borrow up to 2 printed materials at a time for 30 days by paying a $90 deposit, and up to 4 printed materials at a time for 30 days by paying a $180 deposit.
  2. Unless reserved (placed hold) by another user, the loan period of the material can be extended. Materials must be brought to the Library Circulation Desk to be renewed.
  3. The Library reserves the right to recall any borrowed material before the due date.

4. Overdue and lost materials:

  1. The Library sends a reminder email to the reader 3 days before the due date of each material.
  2. The Library sends a notification email to the reader for overdue materials.
  3. The reader bears sole responsibility for overdue materials.
  4. A daily late fee is charged for each overdue material.
  5. Readers with overdue materials cannot perform any action other than returning the material.
  6. In case of a material loss, the reader will be charged for the cost of the material as calculated by the Central Bank on the daily exchange rate, plus the processing fee according to material type and overdue fines.

5. Usage of the library electronic resources:

Due to license agreements, alumni don’t have remote access to electronic resources. Instead, by taking a daily internet usage password from the Library, they can access to electronic resources from any point in the campus.

Library Membership

From other universities, academic staff and graduate students can be a member of our library and benefit from library services and resources for research activities.

For Library Membership:

  1. Fill out membership form which is located on the Library web page. For application, entries in the library can be made by showing organization ID cards and membership form.
  2. Annual membership fee must be paid to Circulation Desk by credit card.
  3. Annual membership fee is 1.500 TL for academic staff, 750 TL for graduate students.
  4. Candidates should come to library to “Circulation Desk” and bring:
    • “Working document” from their institution (for academic staff),
    • “student document ” (for graduate students),
    • One (1) photo,
    • Membership form,
    • Organization ID cards
  5. After completion of the membership process “Library Membership Card” which is valid for one (1) year will be delivered to members. By using “Library Membership Card” members can benefit from library services and resources in the library.
  6. Library Membership Card must be scanned at the entrance.
  7. Members don’t have remote access to electronic resources.
  8. For additional services beyond the library services (transportation, parking, etc.) rules of the relevant units shall apply.

Interlibrary Loan and Document Supply Rules

Interlibrary Loan and Document Supply (ILL) is a service that allows our Library to borrow from other libraries books, articles, book chapters and other thesis not held by the Library.

Bilkent University Members Usage Rules

  1. Only Bilkent University faculty members, and graduate students (MA, PhD) can benefit from Interlibrary Loan and Document Supply (ILL) service.
  2. ILL requests can be made by coming to the Library in person, via the faculty librarian, and/or by filling out the ILL Request Form on the Library website.
  3. Material types that ILL can supply are only books, book chapters, articles, and theses.
  4. A library user can request a maximum of five (5) resources at a time.
  5. Books from libraries in Ankara, with which Bilkent University has a protocol agreement, are borrowed from the relevant library by the requesters themselves. Books from libraries outside Ankara are supplied by the Library ILL Office.
  6. Books requested from libraries in Turkey take at least three (3) days, whereas books requested from libraries abroad take at least fifteen-twenty (15-20) days to arrive at the Library. The arrival time may vary according to the on-shelf availability of the book when requested, the ILL policy of the lending library and postal services.
  7. Article and document requests are supplied as a photocopy or in electronic PDF format from the libraries which has the relevant document in their holdings.
  8. After being informed of the book’s arrival, the requester should borrow the book from the ILL Office within three (3) days at the latest and should return it to the Library in person on time.
  9. The loan period of the ILL book/s is:
    1. Thirty (30) days for books loaned from libraries outside Ankara in Turkey.
    2. Fifteen (15) days for books loaned from libraries abroad.
  10. The materials are borrowed with a signature from the ILL Office.
  11. The requester agrees to use the borrowed book in accordance with copyright laws.
  12. To extend the loan period of a book, the ILL librarian must be notified five (5) days before the due date. The extension period and number vary depending on the ILL policy of the lending library.
  13. If the requester does not pick up the ILL loaned book within the determined loan period, he/she cannot request the same book again.
  14. The ILL service is limited to twenty-five (25) books and/or twenty-five (25) article requests per person per year. In the case where this number is exceeded,the postage costs should be covered by the requester.
  15. The requester will be held responsible in case of loss, damage or late return of the borrowed book. In such cases, lending library rules apply.
  16. The lending library reserves the right to recall the book before its due date.

Usage Rules for Other Libraries;


  1. Only faculty members, graduate students from other universities, and members of state or private institutions with a library can benefit from the Bilkent University Library Interlibrary Loan and Document Supply (ILL) service.
  2. Libraries outside Ankara submit an ILL request through Interlibrary Loan Tracking System (KITS) or Türkiye Document Supply System (TÜBESS). Individual user requests sent directly by phone or e-mail are not accepted and are directed to the relevant librarian at the affiliated institution.
  3. Members of public and private institutions in Ankara submit their requests via the institution’s librarian, and their book requests are only sent by post. The book is sent in the name of the requesting library with a cash-on-delivery option.
  4. Materials in the Reference Collection, Reserve Collection, Halil İnacık Collection, Special Collection, Hasan Âli Yücel Collection, European Union Information Centre Collection and the US Government Printing Office (GPO) Collection, as well as easy books, weekly books, and non-book materials, cannot be loaned.
  5. The loan period for borrowed material is thirty (30)
  6. A library can borrow up to five (5) books at a time.
  7. Borrowed books can be renewed only once unless it is on hold (reserved).
  8. Article requests are submitted via KITS or TÜBESS request systems.
  9. A library can request up to five (5) articles at a time.
  10. The fee for overdue ILL books is six (6) TL per day. In case of loss, damage or late return of the loan, the responsibility lies with the authorized librarian in the requesting library. In such cases, Bilkent University Library Circulation Rules
  11. The Library reserves the right to recall the book before its due date.


  1. Requests are submitted by e-mail (
  2. Materials in the Reference Collection, Reserve Collection, Halil İnacık Collection, Special Collection, Hasan Âli Yücel Collection, European Union Information Centre Collection and the US Government Printing Office (GPO) Collection, as well as easy books, weekly books, and non-book materials, cannot be loaned.
  3. The loan period for borrowed material is thirty (30) days.
  4. The requesting library agrees to make the payment for books and articles by using the “IFLA Voucher” (four (4) vouchers for a book, three (3) vouchers for an article).
  5. In case of loss, damage or late return of the loan, the responsibility lies with the authorized librarian in the requesting library. In such cases, Bilkent University Library Circulation Rules apply.

Art Collection Circulation and Usage Rules

  1. Art books on reserve are located in the Reserve Collection and are issued like other reserve material.
  2. Please do not re-shelve books in the Art Room. You may leave books on the study tables to be re-shelved by staff.
  3. A form must be filled for the usage of the materials located in Art Room Storage Collection.
  4. A form must be filled for photograph and video shooting in Art Room or Library.
  5. Anyone misusing or damaging library materials or premises will be subject to disciplinary measures.
  6. No smoking, eating and drinking in the Art Room.
  7. Mobile phones may not be used in the Library.

Multimedia Room Circulation and Usage Rules

Multimedia Room Circulation Rules

  1. Materials from the Multimedia Room can only be consulted in the Room; they are not circulated and cannot be removed from the location by users.
  2. Instrumental parts are issued as a set and must be returned together.
  3. Braille music items may be borrowed by both members and non-members of Bilkent University. Up to 5 pieces of braille music may be borrowed at any one time for 15 days by ILL.
  4. In the case of loss of Multimedia Room materials, the borrower will be obliged to pay its replacement value (including the binding price for printed music) in Turkish Liras at the Central Bank rate of exchange prevailing on the day of payment, plus the cost of processing the new item, according to material type. Together with the amount owing for late returns as of the date on which the item is reported as lost. In the case of loss of any part of printed music, the user will be obliged to pay the price of the entire set.
  5. No smoking and eating in the Multimedia Room study room, video watching booths and group study booths.
  6. Anyone misusing or damaging Multimedia Room materials or premises will be subject to disciplinary measures.

Multimedia Room Group Study Booths Rules

  1. The group study booths are intended primarily for group study. Users wishing to study individually in silence should use other study rooms in the Library.
  2. Group study booths can be used on weekdays 8:30-23:00, and at weekends 9:00-23:00.
  3. The booths may be reserved for up to 3 hours which, if there is no-one else waiting, may be extended. Library staff will inform the user when the time elapses, if another user is waiting.

Multimedia Room Video Booths Rules

  1. Video Booths can be used for the duration of the film.
  2. Booths number V.1 is for a maximum of 2 users; booths number V.2, V.3
    and V.4 are for a maximum of 8 users.
  3. For reservation, please call +90 (312) 290 26 86.
  4. Students who use this room for inappropriate activities will be subject to disciplinary measure.

Multimedia Room Vinly Record Collection Usage Rules

  1. The Vinyl Record Collection can be used on weekdays 8.30-23.00, and at weekends 9.00-17.00.
  2. The vinyl records can only be consulted in Multimedia Room; they are not circulated.
  3. Records can be listened to in Multimedia Room, Room V.3, for the duration of the recording.

Microform Collection Usage Rules

  1. The Microform Collection (microfiche and microfilms) is open to both Bilkent University members and outside users.
  2. The Collection can be consulted on weekdays between 08.30 – 17.00.
  3. Microforms can only be used in the Library and may not be checked out.
  4. Microform machines can be reserved for half a day (between 08.30 – 13.00, or between 13.00 – 17.00) which, if no-one else requests to use the machine, may be extended.
  5. Outsider users will be charged 50 krş. per scan from microforms.
  6. No smoking, eating or drinking (except for water) when using the Microform Collection.
  7. For any suggestions and to make an appointment, please call (312) 290 11 27.

European Union Information Centre Usage Rules

  1. In accordance with the conditions of the European Commission, publications supplied by the Commission may not be borrowed.
  2. The material may be consulted in the Centre between 08.30-17.00 during the week.
  3. Please do not re-shelve books. You may leave books on the study tables to be re-shelved by staff.
  4. Anyone misusing or damaging library materials or premises will be subject to disciplinary measures.
  5. No smoking, and eating in the Centre.
  6. Mobile phones may not be used in the Centre.

USA Government Printing Office Usage Rules

  1. The material may be consulted in the Centre between 08.30-17.00 during the week.
  2. An ID card must be given to the library staff before removing printed documents from the Centre for photocopying.
  3. Bilkent University members can search databases and CD-ROMs by logging on with their username and password; outside users can take a daily password from the reference librarians who are sitting in the Reference and Current Periodicals Rooms. For printouts, users must go to the photocopy centre and give their username.
  4. Please do not re-shelve books. You may leave books on the study tables to be re-shelved by staff.
  5. Anyone misusing or damaging library materials or premises will be subject to disciplinary measures.
  6. No smoking and eating in the Centre.
  7. Mobile phones may not be used in the Centre.

Halil Inalcik and Special Collection Usage Rules

  1. The İnalcık Room is intended primarily for users who need to consult material from the İnalcık, Yücel and Special Collections. The Room is designed for individual research and not for group study.
  2. Books from the İnalcık, Yücel and Special Collections can only be consulted in the İnalcık Room; they are not circulated and cannot be removed from the room by users.
  3. A maximum of five items will be given to a user at any one time. The user must give his/her ID card to the librarian before being allowed access to the items; the card will be returned to the user when he/she has finished reading the items and after the librarian has checked the item for any damage.
  4. All İnalcık and Special Collections material should be handled with care. (In certain cases, the use of special supports, gloves etc. may be required)
  5. No food or drink (including water) in the İnalcık Room.
  6. Pencils only; no ink pens may be used. The librarian can supply a pencil if required.
  7. All bags and other possessions (except ladies’ handbags) must be left on the special table when entering the İnalcık Room. Coats should be hung on the coat-stand provided.
  8. Silence must be observed in the Halil İnalcık Room. The use of cellular telephones is not permitted. Readers can use their laptop computers, as long as they do not disturb other users when doing so.
  9. İnalcık and Special Collections materials cannot be photocopied.

*Users who refuse to comply with these rules may be asked to leave the İnalcık Room by the librarian in charge.

Hasan Âli Yücel Collection Usage Rules

  1. The Hasan Âli Yücel Room is intended primarily for users who need to consult material from the Hasan Âli Yücel Collections.
  2. Books from the Hasan Âli Yücel Collection can only be consulted in the Halil İnalcık Room; they are not circulated and cannot be removed from the room by users.
  3. A maximum of five items will be given to a user at any one time. The user must give his/her ID card to the librarian before being allowed access to the items; the card will be returned to the user when he/she has finished reading the items and after the librarian has checked the item for any damage.
  4. Hasan Âli Yücel Collections material should be handled with care.
    (In certain cases, the use of special supports, gloves etc. may be required)
  5. Pencils only; no ink pens may be used. The librarian can supply a pencil if required.
  6. Silence must be observed in the Hasan Âli Yücel Room. The use of cellular telephones is not permitted. Readers can use their laptop computers, as long as they do not disturb other users when doing so.
  7. Hasan Âli Yücel Collections materials cannot be photocopied.
  8. No food or drink (including water) in the Hasan Âli Yücel Room.

*Users who refuse to comply with these rules may be asked to leave the Hasan Âli Yücel Room by the librarian in charge.

Storage Collection Usage Rules

  1. The Storage Collection, that is a closed stack collection, can be consulted on weekdays between 08.30 – 17.00.
  2. For resources use, consult the librarian in the Reference Room.
  3. The reference Librarian, takes the requested resource our of storage and serves it to the user.
  4. If the resource is to be used in the library, and ID card shall be provided. If the resource is to be borrowed, the lending rules shall apply.
  5. Once the books are used they should be delivered to the librarian in the Reference Room.
  6. Anyone misusing or damaging library materials and equipment will be reported to the disciplinary board.
  7. No drinks other than water, no food, tobacco products, and alcohol should be consumed in the Library.
  8. Mobile phones cannot be used in the library.

Reference Storage Collection Usage Rules

  1. The Reference Storage Collection, that is a closed stack collection, can be consulted on weekdays between 08.30 – 17.00.
  2. For resources use, consult the librarian in the Reference Room.
  3. The reference Librarian, takes the requested resource out of storage and serves it to the user.
  4. After the books are used they should be delivered to the librarian in the Reference Room.
  5. Anyone misusing or damaging library materials and equipment will be reported to the disciplinary board.
  6. No drinks other than water, no food, tobacco products, and alcohol should be consumed in the Library.
  7. Mobile phones cannot be used in the Library.

Visually Handicapped Room Usage Rules

  1. The Visually Handicapped Room is open to both visually handicapped members of Bilkent University and also visually handicapped outside users, as well as to those who assist these visually handicapped users. In addition, the Room is open to other researchers without a visually handicapped disability who work on Braille sources.
  2. The Visually Handicapped Room is open on week days between 08:30-17:00, and at weekends between 09:00-17.00.
  3. Braille resources, tape recorders, computers and the printer can only be used in the Visually Handicapped Room itself and cannot be removed from the Room.
  4. The key for the Visually Handicapped Room can be taken from the the reference librarian by depositing your ID card. The key must be returned to library staff when you have finished working in the Room.
  5. Users can use the printer in the Visually Handicapped Room by paying the print-out fee to the Library.
  6. No smoking, eating or drinking (except for water) in the the Library.

Workstations Usage Rules

  1. All users can use the computers with internet access.
  2. Computers should be used for educational and research purposes only.
  3. Bilkent University members can log on with their existing usernames and passwords.
  4. Outside users can log on with daily passwords which are given by library staff. Outside users must show their ID to the staff and fill out the relevant form.
  5. Do not “reserve” an occupied workstations for yourself by leaving properties. Workstations left unoccupied for more than 15 minutes may be taken by another user.
  6. Copying files to CDs is not allowed on these computers.
  7. To collect print-outs and copy to CDs, users should contact the photocopy centre in B Block 1st floor, with their usernames.
  8. Computers should not be used to watch DVDs, VCDs etc.
  9. It is prohibited to chat and play games on the computers.
  10. For security reasons, users should log-off before leaving the computers, even for a short while.
  11. Anyone misusing or damaging library materials or premises will be subject to disciplinary measures.
  12. No smoking, eating or drinking in the Library.
  13. Mobile phones may not be used in the Library.

A Block (2nd Floor) Large Group-Study Rooms Rules

  1. Group Study Rooms are available on weekdays between 08:30-23:00. They are not available on weekends.
  2. Group Study Rooms can be reserved to groups of minimum 3 and maximum 5 people for a period of 2 hours.
  3. Keys can be given by the librarian working at the Reference Room in exchange for user ID.
  4. The rooms cannot be locked nor left without notifying the staff in charge. In such a case, any personal belongings left in the room will be removed by Library staff.
  5. A non-refundable charge of 50 TL will be made for replacement of lost keys. Otherwise you the user cannot get her/his ID back.

Reserving a Room

  1. Rooms can be reserved for groups for specific dates and times. To reserve a room the group members should apply to the library with a written notice of their intention.
  2. During this process, the materials to be used in this room need to have already been borrowed and the users shall be responsible for all materials borrowed.
  3. Other individual users can use the room when available, providing that they may be asked to vacate the room if a group is waiting.
  4. Keys can be given by the librarian working at the Reference Room in exchange for user ID. Related room procedures can be carried out at the Circulation Desk during tea and/or lunch breaks of the librarian in charge.

A Block (2nd Floor) Silent Zone Rules

  1. Please study alone and be silent.
  2. Computers, laptops with keyboard may not be used.
  3. Mobile phones may not be used.
  4. Music/audio clips/mobiles and any personal listening equipment should be inaudible to others.
  5. Space is at a premium – please don’t ‘reserve’ tables leaving your belongings there.
  6. No smoking, eating or drinking in the silent zone.

Orientation Room Usage Rules

  1. Priority of Use:
    • First priority of the Room will be given to Library-sponsored events.
    • Second priority will be given to meetings sponsored by academic departments of Bilkent University.
    • Third priority will be given to students and clubs for their activities.
  2. Orientation requests should be made via the online form or via the faculty librarians.
  3. Academic departments and clubs can use the Room with the approval of the Library’s administration.
  4. Any equipment, material, utensils, and other items belonging to the Orientation Room must be left in the same condition as found.
  5. No defacing or damaging the Orientation Room, its furniture, or equipment in any way (such as posting or mounting materials on walls or doors without permission, painting, or writing on any surface).
  6. Noise levels within the Orientation Room should be low and not disruptive to other Library services.
  7. No smoking and eating in the Orientation Room.
  8. Mobile phones may not be used in the Room.
  9. Bilkent University Library reserves the right to reject any request for Orientation Room use.
  10. The Orientation Room is available from 08:30 to 17:00 on weekdays.
  11. The Orientation Room can be reserved for five or more users, with a teacher, for a lesson.
  12. For reservation, please complete

Art Gallery Usage Rules

  1. Only members of Bilkent University have the right to request activities in the Art Gallery.
  2. Priority of Use
    • First priority will be given to Library-sponsored events.
    • Second priority will be given to meetings sponsored by academic departments of Bilkent University.
    • Third priority will be given to students and clubs for their activities.
  3. Academic departments and the clubs can use the rooms with the approval of the Library administration.
  4. You must complete the Library Activity Request Form for all proposed activities in the Art Gallery.
  5. The Art Gallery can be used from Monday to Friday between 09:30 and 17:00.
  6. Any equipment, material, utensils, and other items belonging to the Art Gallery must be left in the same condition as found, and the Art Gallery, its furniture, or equipment should not be damaged in any way.
  7. Noise levels within the Art Gallery should be low and not disruptive to other Library services.
  8. For any suggestions and questions, please call 290 12 91 or e-mail
  9. Bilkent University Library reserves the right to reject any request for the Art Gallery.
  10. The Art Gallery can only be used between 12.30 and 13.30 for mini-concerts and similar loud activities.

Thesis Submission Procedure of Bilkent University Library

  1. One (1) copy of the printed thesis and one (1) copy of the thesis on CD, along with the following required forms, should be delivered to the reference librarian at the “Reference Room” located at the ground floor, A Block. Required forms:
  2. Both the printed copy and the CD copy of the thesis will be checked by the related librarian. Incomplete or incorrect theses will not be accepted and will be returned to the student.
  3. The owner of thesis applies to the library with a signed copy of the “National Thesis Center (YÖK) Data Entry and Publishing Permission Form”, a signed copy of the “Bilkent University Thesis Database Acceptance and Permission Form” and in case of access postponement request a signed and stamped copy of the “Bilkent University Thesis Access Postponement Request Form”. The thesis is received only after the required controls are done by the related librarian.
  4. After the “Bilkent University Doctoral and Master’s Students Discharge Form” has been initialled by the related librarian, it should be taken to and signed by the “Circulation Desk”.

Cafe Usage Rules

  1. Except for water, no food and drink purchased at the cafe can be taken into another part of the library building.
  2. Any library materials taken into the cafe must have already been borrowed.
  3. The cafe is not responsible for any lost items.
  4. The cafe is open during the Main Library working hours
  5. For any suggestions, please e-mail