
Established in 1986 with a modest collection consisting solely of books and journals, Bilkent University Library has progressively expanded and enriched its collection in terms of diversity and content. Today, it offers a wide array of resources including printed and electronic books, journals, music scores, videotapes, DVDs, CDs, microforms, and special Braille materials for the visually impaired. Additionally, the Turkish Plastic Arts Archive, which contains brochures, invitations, catalogs, and posters, is one of the library’s significant collections.

The library provides extensive access to digital information sources through over 200 subscribed electronic databases. As a depository library for the U.S. Government Publishing Office and housing the European Documentation Centre, it has developed an important collection with regularly supplied publications from these centers.

Enriched by donations from distinguished individuals such as Halil İnalcık, and Hasan Âli Yücel, the library now houses over 2 million materials, making it the university library with the largest collection in Turkey. With its rich collection, the library not only meets the informational needs of students and academic staff but also offers strong support for research activities.

Library Collections Gallery