Location of books according to the Library of Congress (LC) Classification
B-Block (-1st Floor)
- [A] General Works
- AC Collections. Series. Collected Works
- AE Encyclopedias
- AG Dictionaries and Other General Reference Works
- AL Indexes
- AM Museums. Collectors and Collecting
- AN Newspapers
- AP Periodicals
- AS Academies and Learned Societies
- AY Yearbooks. Almanacs. Directories
- AZ History of Scholarship and Learning. The Humanities
- [B] Philosophy. Psychology. Religion
- B Philosophy
- BC Logic
- BD Speculative Philosophy
- BF Psychology
- BH Aesthetics
- BJ Ethics
- BL Religions. Mythology. Rationalism
- BM Judaism
- BP Islam. Baháʼísm. Theosophy, etc.
- BQ Buddhism
- BR Christianity
- BS The Bible
- BT Doctrinal Theology
- BV Practical Theology
- BX Christian Denominations
- [C] Auxiliary Sciences of History
- CB History of Civilization
- CC Archaeology
- CD Diplomatics. Archives. Seals
- CE Technical Chronology; Calendar
- CJ Numismatics
- CN Inscriptions; Epigraphy
- CR Heraldry
- CS Genealogy
- CT Biography
- [D] History (Except America)
- DA Great Britain
- DAW Central Europe
- DB Austria. Liechtenstein. Hungary. Czechoslovakia
- DC France. Andorra. Monaco
- DD Germany
- DE Greco-Roman World
- DF Greece
- DG Italy. Malta
- DH Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg (Northwest European Coastal Region) - Benelux Countries
- DJ Netherlands (Holland)
- DJK Eastern Europe (General)
- DK Russia. Soviet Union. Former Soviet Republics – Poland
- DL Northern Europe. Scandinavia
- DP Spain. Portugal
- DQ Switzerland
- DR Balkan Peninsula
- DR 401-741.22 Turkey
- DS Asia (Including Near East)
- DT Africa
- DU Oceania (South Seas)
- DX Romanies
B-Block (Ground Floor)
- [E] History of America
- [F] Local History of the United States and British, Dutch, French, and Latin America
- [G] Geography. Anthropology. Recreation
- G Geography (General). Atlases. Maps
- GA Mathematical Geography. Cartography
- GB Physical Geography
- GC Oceanography
- GE Environmental Sciences
- GF Human Ecology. Anthropogeography
- GN Anthropology
- GR Folklore
- GT Manners and Customs (General)
- GV Recreation. Leisure
- [H] Social Sciences
- HA Statistics
- HB Economic Theory. Demography
- HC Economic history and Conditions
- HD Industries. Land Use. Labor
- HE Transportation and Communications
- HF Commerce
- HG Finance
- HJ Public Finance
- HM Sociology (General)
- HN Social History and Conditions. Social Problems. Social Reform
- HQ The Family. Marriage, Women and Sexuality
- HS Societies: Secret, Benevolent, etc.
- HT Communities. Classes. Races
- HV Social Pathology. Social and Public Welfare. Criminology
- HX Socialism. Communism. Anarchism
- [J-JA] General Legislative and Executive Papers. Political Science
- JC Political Theory
- JF-JQ Political Institutions and Public Administration
- JS Local Government. Municipal Government
- JV Colonization. Emigration and Immigration. International Migration
- JX International Law
- JZ International Relations
B-Block (1st Floor Art Room)
- [N] Fine Arts
- NA Architecture
- NB Sculpture
- NC Drawing. Design. Illustration
- ND Painting
- NE Print Media
- NK Decorative Arts
- NX Arts in General
- [TR] Photography
B-Block (2nd Floor)
- [JN-JX] Political Science (Continued)
- [K] Law (General)
- KB Religious Law in General. Comparative Religious Law. Jurisprudence
- KBM Jewish Law
- KBP Islamic Law
- KBR-KBU History of Canon Law - Law of the Roman Catholic Church
- KD / KDK Law of United Kingdom and Ireland
- KDZ Law of America and North America
- KE Law of Canada
- KF Law of United States
- KG Law of Latin America – Mexico and Central America – West Indies. Caribbean Area
- KH Law of South America
- KJ-KKZ Law of Europe
- KKX Law of Turkey
- KL-KWX Law of Asia and Eurasia, Africa, Pacific Area, and Antarctica
- KU / KUQ Law of Australia and New Zealand
- KZ Law of Nations
- [L] Education (General)
- LA-LC History of Education. Theory and Practice of Education. Special Aspects of Education
- LD-LG Individual Institutions
- LH College and School Magazines and Papers
- LJ Student Fraternities and Societies, United States
- LT Textbooks
- [M] Music
- ML Literature on Music
- MT Instruction and Study
- [P] Language and Literature
- PA Greek Language and Literature. Latin Language and Literature
- PB Modern Languages. Celtic Languages and Literature
- PC Romanic Languages
- PD Germanic Languages. Scandinavian Languages
- PE English Language
- PF West Germanic Languages
- PG Slavic Languages and Literature. Baltic Languages. Albanian Language
- PH Uralic Languages. Basque Language
- PJ Oriental Languages and Literatures
- PK Indo-Iranian Languages and Literature
- PL Languages and Literature of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania
- PL 101-271 Turkish Language and Literature
- PM Hyperborean, Native American, and Artificial Languages
A-Block (1st Floor Periodicals Hall)
- [PN] Literature (General)
A-Block (2nd Floor)
- [P] Language and Literature
- PQ French Literature. Italian Literature. Spanish Literature. Portuguese Literature
- PR English Literature
- PS American Literature
- PT German Literature. Dutch Literature. Flemish Literature Since 1830. Afrikaans Literature. Scandinavian Literature. Old Norse Literature: Old Icelandic and Old Norwegian. Modern Icelandic Literature. Faroese Literature. Danish Literature. Norwegian Literature. Swedish Literature
- PZ Fiction and Juvenile Belles Lettres
- [Q] Science
- QA Mathematics
- QB Astronomy
- QC Physics
- QD Chemistry
- QE Geology
- QH Natural History. Biology
- QK Botany
- QL Zoology
- QM Human Anatomy
- QP Physiology
- QR Microbiology
- [QS-QZ] Medicine (Preclinical Sciences) (Bilkent University Library uses the U.S. National Library of Medicine Classification System Classifications instead of the LC “R” Medical Classification)
- QS Human Anatomy
- QT Physiology
- QU Biochemistry. Cell Biology and Genetics
- QV Pharmacology
- QW Microbiology and Immunology
- QX Parasitology. Disease Vectors
- QY Clinical Laboratory Pathology
- QZ Pathology
- [S] Agriculture
- SB Horticulture. Plant Propagation. Plant Breeding
- SD Forestry. Arboriculture. Silviculture
- SF Animal Husbandry. Animal Science
- SH Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling
- SK Hunting
- [T] Technology
- TA Engineering Civil Engineering (General)
- TC Hydraulic Engineering. Ocean Engineering
- TD Environmental Technology. Sanitary Engineering
- TE Highway Engineering. Roads and Pavements
- TF-TG Railroad Engineering and Operation - Bridges
- TH Building Construction
- TJ Mechanical Engineering and Machinery
- TK Electrical Engineering. Electronics. Nuclear Engineering
- TL Motor Vehicles. Aeronautics. Astronautics
- TN Mining Engineering. Metallurgy
- TP Chemical Technology
- TS Manufacturing Engineering. Mass Production
- TT Handicrafts. Arts and Crafts
- TX Home Economics
- [U] Military Science
- UA-UB Armies: Organization, Distribution, Military Situation - Military Administration
- UC Military Maintenance and Transportation
- UD-UE-UF Infantry - Cavalry. Armor - Artillery
- UG Military Engineering. Air Forces
- UH Other Military Services
- [V] Naval Science
- [VA-VM] Navies: Organization, Distribution, Naval Situation. Naval Administration. Naval Maintenance. Naval Seamen. Marines. Naval Ordnance. Minor Services of Navies. Navigation. Merchant Marine. Naval Architecture. Shipbuilding. Marine Engineering
- [W] General Medicine. Health Professions (Bilkent University Library uses the U.S. National Library of Medicine Classification System Classifications instead of the LC “R” Medical Classification)
- WA Public Health
- WB Practice of Medicine
- WC Communicable Diseases
- WD Medicine in Selected Environments
- WE Musculoskeletal System
- WF Respiratory System
- WG Cardiovascular System
- WH Hemic and Lymphatic Systems
- WI Digestive System
- WJ Urogenital System
- WK Endocrine System
- WL Nervous System
- WM Psychiatry
- WN Radiology. Diagnostic Imaging
- WO Surgery. Wounds and Injuries
- WP Gynecology. Andrology
- WQ Obstetrics
- WR Dermatology. Integumentary System
- WS Pediatrics
- WT Geriatrics
- WU Dentistry. Oral Surgery
- WV Otolaryngology
- WW Ophthalmology
- WX Hospitals and Other Health Facilities
- WY Nursing
- WZ History of Medicine. Medical Miscellany
- [Z] Bibliography, Library Science Books (General). Writing. Paleography. Book Industries and Trade. Libraries. Bibliography
- ZA Information Resources/Materials