International Relations

Library Collection
Items in the Bilkent Library Collection are shelved according to subjects using the Library of Congress Classification. For more details about this classification refer to the Library of Congress Classification Outline.
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Naile Mağıltaş

Theses / Dissertations
Bilkent Theses
Electronic copies of theses and dissertations submitted to Bilkent University are preserved at our Institutional Archive: Department of International Relations

Proquest Dissertations and Theses
Provides access to citations and full text for doctoral dissertations and master’s theses. Includes citations for dissertations published from 1980 forward as well as 350-word abstracts written by the author. Citations for master’s theses from 1988 forward include 150-word abstracts.
CoHE Thesis Center (Turkey)
The Turkish Council of Higher Education gathers and enables free access to all the theses and dissertations written in academic institutes in Turkey. CoHE Thesis Center is the national thesis center of Turkey.
EThOS is the UK’s national thesis service holding 500,000 doctoral theses from over 120 institutions. Around 260,000 of these theses are full-text and can be downloaded from the EThOS database or the related institution’s repository.
An index of over 3.5 million electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs) published around the world.
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Naile Mağıltaş

All Items by Source

Adam Matthew: The Nixon Years, 1969-1974

This collection provides complete FCO 7 and FCO 82 files for the entire period of Richard Nixon’s presidency.
Top-level Anglo-American discussions and briefing papers dominate these papers. There is also a wealth of material on social conditions, domestic reforms, trade, culture and the environment.


Bu koleksiyon Richard Nixon bakanl覺覺 dönemine ait bütün FCO 7 FCO 82 dosyalar覺na eriim salamaktad覺r. Bu dosyalar Anglo-Amerikan tart覺malar覺 ve brifing belgelerini içermelerinin yan覺 s覺ra; sosyal koullar, iç reformlar, ticaret, kültür ve çevre gibi konularda da materyal salar.
Gale Research Complete-Premium

Consisting of 5 main collections, Gale Research Complete-Premium provides access to primary and secondary sources, books, articles, encyclopedias, monographs, archives of journals and newspapers on the fields of engineering, history, politics, sociology, philosophy, economy, religion, medicine and more.

Main Collections:

Academic OneFile + General OneFile+InfoTrac Newsstand:
Provides access to journals and articles on science, medicine, engineering, technology, social sciences, art, theology, literature, and many other subjects.

Gale Business Insights: Provides access to case studies and analyses on business, economy, finance, and marketing and enables the comparison of global economies and industries. 

Gale E-Books: Provides access to books, encyclopedias, and monographs covering all disciplines.

Gale Literary Sources: Provides access to databases, reviews, play texts, biographies, articles, and quotations in Western literature.

Primary Sources: Provides access to Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO), Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO), The Times, Economist, Financial Times, National Geographic, Archives Unbound Series, Early Arabic Printed Books from British Library, and other archival collections that shed light on the last 700 years of world history in the fields of history, western languages and literature, art, design, performing arts, journalism, media, politics, Islamic history, history of science, sociology, philosophy, economics, immigration, etc.

Archives by Subject

International Relations and History:
  •  U.S. Declassified Documents Online
The collection includes all US Presidential files, White House, CIA reports, multiple caches, and previously classified federal records.
  • Archives Unbound
Includes British and American consular reports on the political and economic history of the Ottoman Empire, the Republic of Turkey, the Middle East, and the world.

Theology, Islamic Scientific History, Islamic Literature (Arabic, Persian, Turkish):
  • Early Arabic Printed Books from the British Library
The collection reveals the cultural, intellectual, and social lives of Muslims in the 15th-19th-century by providing catalogs, journals, books, and documents about early Arabic literature, Islamic Law (hadith, fiqh, kalam, sharia law), and the history of Islamic Science.

For General Readers:
  • National Geographic Virtual Library
The collection provides access to iconic photographs, articles, and National Geographic content on culture, global events, nature, science, technology, and the environment from 1888 to the present.
Newspaper Archives:
  • The Times Digital Archive
The collection provides access to the content of The Times, one of the most respected sources for developments in the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries.
  • Financial Times Historical Archive
The collection sheds light on the developments in the world in economics, finance, and other fields since the late 19th century.
  • The Economist Historical Archive
The collection provides access to the Economist's content from 1843 to 2020
  • Daily Mail Historical Archive
The collection provides access to the Daily Mail newspaper archives between 1896 and 2016.
  • The Telegraph Historical Archive
The collection provides access to the Telegraph newspaper archives between 1855 and 2016.
  • British Library Newspapers
The collection provides access to 252 titles depicting the distinct and distinctive regional attitudes and cultures of the United Kingdom and Ireland, spanning the 18th to the 20th centuries.
  • Nineteenth Century U.S. Newspapers
The collection provides access to full-text content and images from a wide range of newspapers from urban and rural areas in the United States.
  • Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Burney Newspapers Collection
Providing access to the content of the Burney Newspaper, the collection presents a comprehensive coverage of 17th and 18th-century British news media.
  • Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Nichols Newspapers Collection
The collection provides access to the Oxford Bodleian Library's archive of newspapers on British history and culture.
  • American Historical Periodicals from the American Antiquarian Society 
The collection, which includes more than 195 titles, provides access to the political, economic, and historical developments of the United States from the colonial period to the 20th century.

Literature Arts, Sociology, History of Religions, History of Science, Women Studies:
  • Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO)
The collection provides access to over 32 million pages of digitized material on the United Kingdom, Ireland, overseas colonial territories, and the United States, covering the years 1701-1800.
  • Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO)
The collection provides access to books, photographic collections, map collections, manuscripts,  and rare resources of various kinds on history, literature, politics, religious sciences, women's studies, and many other topics related to the 19th century, also known as the Long Century.


5 ana koleksiyondan oluan Gale Research Complete-Premium t覺p, mühendislik, tarih, politika, sosyoloji, felsefe, ekonomi, din ve daha birçok alanda birincil ve ikincil kaynaklara, kitaplara, makalelere, ansiklopedilere, monograflara, dergi ve gazetelerin arivlerine eriim salamaktad覺r.

Temel Koleksiyonlar:

Academic OneFile + General OneFile+InfoTrac Newsstand:

Fen bilimleri,t覺p, mühendisik, teknoloji, sosyal bilimler, sanat, teoloji, edebiyat ve daha birçok konuda dergi ve makalelere eriim salamaktad覺r.

Gale Business Insights: 襤letme, ekonomi, finans, pazarlama ve daha birçok alanda vaka çal覺malar覺na, analizlere, eriim salayarak küresel ekonomileri, irketleri ve endüstrileri kar覺lat覺rmaya olanak salamaktad覺r.

Gale E-Books: Tüm disiplinleri kapsayan kitap, ansiklopedi ve monograflara eriim salamaktad覺r.
Gale Literary Sources:
Bat覺 edebiyat覺 alan覺nda veritabanlar覺na, eletirilere, oyun metinlerine, biyografilere, makalelere ve al覺nt覺lara eriim salamaktad覺r.

Primary Sources: Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO), Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO)The Times, Economist, Financial Times, National Geographic, Archives Unbound Series, Early Arabic Printed Books from British Library bata olmak üzere tarih, bat覺 dilleri ve edebiyat覺, sanat, tasar覺m, sahne sanatlar覺, gazetecilik, medya, politika, 襤slam tarihi, bilim tarihi, sosyoloji, felsefe, ekonomi, göç ve benzeri konularda dünya tarihinin son 700 y覺l覺na 覺覺k tutan ariv koleksiyonuna eriim salamaktad覺r

Konuya Göre Arivler

Uluslararas覺 襤likiler ve Tarih
  • U.S. Declassified Documents Online
Tüm Amerikan Bakanl覺k kütüphanelerinin içerii, Beyaz Saray, CIA raporlar覺; önceden s覺n覺fland覺r覺lm覺 federal kay覺tlar覺 ve hassas belgeleri kapsayan bir koleksiyondur.
  • Archives Unbound
Osmanl覺 Devleti, Turkiye Cumhuriyeti, Ortadou ve dünya siyasi, ekonomik tarihine yönelik 襤ngiliz ve Amerikan konsolosluk raporlar覺n覺 kapsar.

襤lahiyat, 襤slam Bilim Tarihi, 襤slam Edebiyat覺 (Arapça, Farsça, Türkçe):
  • Early Arabic Printed Books from the British Library
Koleksiyon,  Erken dönem Arap edebiyat覺, 襤slam Hukuku (hadis, f覺k覺h, kelam, er’i hukuk), 襤slam Bilim tarihi hakk覺nda kataloglar, dergiler, kitaplar ve belgeler ile 15-19. yy’da Müslümanlar覺n kültürel, entelektüel ve sosyal yaamlar覺n覺 ortaya koyar.

Genel Okuyucu 襤çin:
  • National Geographic Virtual Library
Koleksiyon, 1888’den günümüze kült olmu fotoraflar, makaleler, kültür, küresel olaylar, doa, bilim, teknoloji ve çevre hakk覺ndaki National Geographic içeriine eriim salar.

Gazete Arivleri:
  • The Times Digital Archive
Koleksiyon, 18. 19. ve 20. yüzy覺lda yaanan gelimeler için en sayg覺n kaynaklardan biri olan The Times’覺n içeriine eriim salar.
  • Financial Times Historical Archive
19. yüzy覺l覺n sonlar覺ndan itibaren dünyada ekonomi, finans ve dier alanlardaki gelimelere 覺覺k tutar.
  • The Economist Historical Archive
Koleksiyon, the Economist’in 1843'ten 2020’ye kadar olan içeriine eriim salar.
  • Daily Mail Historical Archive
Koleksiyon, Daily Mail gazetesinin 1896-2016 y覺llar覺 aras覺 arivine eriim salar.
  • The Telegraph Historical Archive
Koleksiyon, the Telegraph’覺n 1855-2016 y覺llar覺 aras覺 arivine eriim salar.
  • British Library Newspapers
Koleksiyon, Birleik Krall覺k ve 襤rlanda'n覺n farkl覺 ve belirgin bölgesel tutumlar覺n覺 ve kültürlerini 18. yüzy覺ldan 20. yüzy覺la kadar uzanan sürede gösteren 252 bal覺a eriim salar.
  • Nineteenth Century U.S. Newspapers

Koleksiyon, Amerika Birleik Devletleri'ndeki kentsel ve k覺rsal bölgelerden çok say覺da gazetenin tam metin içeriine ve görsellerine eriim salar.
  • Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Burney Newspapers Collection
Burney Newspaper’覺n içeriine eriim salayan koleksiyon 17. ve 18. yüzy覺l 襤ngiliz haber medyas覺n覺 kapsaml覺 bir ekilde sunmaktad覺r.
  • Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Nichols Newspapers Collection
Koleksiyon, Oxford Bodleian Kütüphanesi gazetelerinin 襤ngiliz tarihi ve kültürü hakk覺ndaki arivine eriim salamaktad覺r.
  • American Historical Periodicals from the American Antiquarian Society
195'ten fazla bal覺覺 içeren bu koleksiyon, Amerika Birleik Devletleri'nin koloni döneminden balayarak 20. yüzy覺la kadar olan siyasi, ekonomik ve tarihi gelimelerine eriim salamaktad覺r.

Edebiyat Sanat, Sosyoloji, Dinler Tarihi, Bilim Tarihi, Kad覺n Çal覺malar覺:
  • Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO)
Koleksiyon 1701-1800 y覺llar覺 aras覺n覺 kapsayan, Birleik Krall覺k, 襤rlanda, deniza覺r覺 sömürge bölgeleri ve Amerika Birleik Devletleri hakk覺nda 32 milyon sayfan覺n üzerinde dijitalletirilmi materyale eriim salar.
  • Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO)
Koleksiyon, 19.yüzy覺l覺, bir dier ad覺yla Uzun Yüzy覺l’覺 anlatan, tarih, edebiyat, siyaset, dini bilimler, kad覺n çal覺malar覺 ve daha birçok konu hakk覺nda kitaplar, fotoraf koleksiyonlar覺, harita koleksiyonlar覺, el yazmalar覺 ve farkl覺 türlerdeki nadir eserlere eriim salamaktad覺r.


Incites-Benchmarking & Analytics Academic is a reference based evaluation tool to analyze the productivity and compraison results of rivals/models in an international scope for academic, public and private sectors. Incites examines more than 200 countries/regions, 16,000 institution, and 1,400 funders worldwide.

The following link provides resources containing detailed information about the platform: 

If you already have an account on any of the "Web of Science" platforms (WoS, Publons, ResearcherID, etc.), you can access InCites with the same login credentials. If you do not remember your login information, you can set a new password via the "Forgot Password" option. If you do not have an account, you need to create an account with your Bilkent e-mail address to access InCites. As part of our InCites subscription, Essential Science Indicators (ESI) and Journal Citation Reports (JCR) are also now available. 

Essential Science Indicators; As one of the parts of InCites platform, Essential Science Indicators helps you to  follow institutions, influencers, reports, publications, countries, and discover the related research fields to expand your own research. 

If you already have an account on any of the "Web of Science" platforms (WoS, Publons, ResearcherID, etc.), you can access InCites with the same login credentials. If you do not remember your login information, you can set a new password via the "Forgot Password" option. If you do not have an account, you need to create an account with your Bilkent e-mail address to access InCites. As part of our InCites subscription, Essential Science Indicators (ESI) and Journal Citation Reports (JCR) are also now available. 


Incites-Benchmarking & Analytics Academic, Akademik, kamu ve özel sektörden kurumlar için ulusal veya uluslararas覺 balamda rakiplerin/modellerin üretkenlii ve k覺yaslama ç覺kt覺s覺n覺 analiz etmek için kullan覺lan, at覺f temelli bir deerlendirme arac覺d覺r. Incites, Dünya genelinde 200'den fazla ülke/bölge, 16.000'den fazla kurum, 1.400'den fazla fon salay覺c覺y覺 inceler.

Platforma ilikin detayl覺 bilgi içeren kaynaklara aa覺daki linklerden eriebilirsiniz:

Herhangi bir "Web of Science" platformunda (WoS, Publons, ResearcherID, vb.) mevcut bir hesab覺n覺z varsa, InCites'a ayn覺 hesap bilgileriyle eriebilirsiniz. Hesap bilgilerinizi hat覺rlam覺yorsan覺z "ifremi Unuttum" seçenei ile yeni ifre belirleyebilirsiniz. Hesab覺n覺z yoksa, InCites'a erimek için Bilkent e-posta adresinizle bir hesap oluturman覺z gerekmektedir. InCites aboneliimizin bir parças覺 olarak Essential Science Indicators (ESI) ve Journal Citation Reports (JCR) da eriime aç覺lm覺t覺r.

Essential Science Indicators; InCites platformunun  bir parças覺 olan Essential  Science Indicators, çal覺ma alan覺n覺zdaki  etkili  kiileri,  kurumlar覺, raporlar覺, yay覺nlar覺, ülkeleri ve hatta çal覺man覺z覺 etkileyebilecek gelimekte olan dier arat覺rma alanlar覺n覺 tespit etmenize yard覺mc覺 olmaktad覺r.

Herhangi bir "Web of Science" platformunda (WoS, Publons, ResearcherID, vb.) mevcut bir hesab覺n覺z varsa, InCites'a ayn覺 hesap bilgileriyle eriebilirsiniz. Hesap bilgilerinizi hat覺rlam覺yorsan覺z "ifremi Unuttum" seçenei ile yeni ifre belirleyebilirsiniz. Hesab覺n覺z yoksa, InCites'a erimek için Bilkent e-posta adresinizle bir hesap oluturman覺z gerekmektedir. InCites aboneliimizin bir parças覺 olarak Essential Science Indicators (ESI) ve Journal Citation Reports (JCR) da eriime aç覺lm覺t覺r.

JSTOR Open Access Books

More than 6,000 ebooks from 75+ publishers, including Brill, Cornell University Press, De Gruyter, and University of California Press, are now available for everyone.


Brill, Cornell Üniversitesi Yay覺nlar覺, De Gruyter ve Kaliforniya Üniversitesi Yay覺nlar覺 dahil olmak üzere 75’in üzerinde yay覺nc覺dan 6.000’den fazla e-kitap herkesin eriimine sunulmaktad覺r.

Database will be on trial access until 7 December 2024.

LibraryTürk database provides access to electronic books on many subjects such as science and mathematics, communication, architecture, fine arts, law, administrative and economic sciences, engineering, educational sciences, health sciences, social and human sciences.

Please use your Bilkent e-mail address to register. You can complete your registration following the activation link sent to your e-mail address.

Note: Please, let us know your opinion about the electronic database we have set up for the trial via “Database Trial Evaluation Form.”


Veritaban覺 7 Aral覺k 2024 tarihine kadar deneme eriimine aç覺k olacakt覺r.
LibraryTürk veritaban覺, fen ve matematik, iletiim, mimarl覺k, güzel sanatlar, hukuk, idari ve iktisadi bilimler, mühendislik, eitim bilimleri, sal覺k bilimleri, sosyal ve beeri bilimler gibi birçok konuda elektronik kitaba eriim salamaktad覺r.

Veritaban覺na kay覺t olmak için lütfen Bilkent uzant覺l覺 e-posta adresinizi kullan覺n覺z. Kay覺t ileminizi e-posta adresinize gelen aktivasyon balant覺s覺n覺 kullanarak tamamlayabilirsiniz.

Not: Deneme eriimine aç覺lan veritaban覺 hakk覺ndaki görüünüzü “Deneme Veritaban覺 Deerlendirme Formu” arac覺l覺覺 ile bize iletebilirsiniz.

Database will be on trial access until 10 September 2023.

RELPAP is an academic research tool that associates academic publications using semantic information networks and searches for publications through these relationships. RELPAP creates graphs depending on the keyword used during the research and offers various publication suggestions.

Please use your Bilkent University e-mail address to register. After your account is activated, you can log in to RELPAP.

Note: Please, let us know your opinion about the electronic database we have set up for the trial via “Database Trial Evaluation Form.” 


Veritaban覺 10 Eylül 2023 tarihine kadar deneme eriimine aç覺k olacakt覺r.
RELPAP anlamsal bilgi alar覺n覺 kullanarak akademik yay覺nlar覺 ilikilendiren ve bu ilikiler üzerinden yay覺n aramay覺 salayan akademik bir arat覺rma arac覺d覺r. RELPAP  arat覺rma s覺ras覺nda kullan覺lan anahtar kelimeye göre graflar oluturur ve çeitli yay覺n önerileri sunar.

Kay覺t yapmak için lütfen Bilkent Üniversitesi e-posta adresinizi kullan覺n覺z. Hesab覺n覺z aktifletirildikten sonra RELPAP’a giri yapabilirsiniz.

Not: Deneme eriimine aç覺lan veritaban覺 hakk覺ndaki görüünüzü “Deneme Veritaban覺 Deerlendirme Formu” arac覺l覺覺 ile bize iletebilirsiniz.


Scilit, developed and maintained by the open-access publisher MDPI, is a multidisciplinary, free scholarly database that indexes scientific material by extracting the latest data from CrossRef and PubMed daily.


Aç覺k eriim yay覺nc覺s覺 MDPI taraf覺ndan gelitirilen ve sürdürülen Scilit, günlük olarak CrossRef ve PubMed’den en son verileri çekerek bilimsel materyalleri indeksleyen çok disiplinli, ücretsiz bir bilimsel veritaban覺d覺r.
Women and Social Movements, International: 1840 to Present

The database includes primary sources such as writings of women activists, personal letters, diaries, and proceedings of conferences that show how women’s social movements shaped events and attitudes that have defined modern life.


Veritaban覺, toplumsal kad覺n hareketlerinin, modern yaam覺 tan覺mlayan olaylar覺 ve tutumlar覺 nas覺l ekillendirdiini gösteren kad覺n aktivistler taraf覺ndan yaz覺lan yaz覺lar覺, kiisel mektuplar覺, günlükleri ve konferans kay覺tlar覺 gibi birincil el kaynaklar覺 içermektedir.

Zenodo is a catch-all repository launched by CERN, an OpenAIRE partner, and pioneer in open source, open access, and open data.


Zenodo, bir OpenAIRE orta覺 ve aç覺k kaynak, aç覺k eriim ve aç覺k veri öncüsü olan CERN taraf覺ndan kurulan toplay覺c覺 bir arivdir.

Archival Material

Adam Matthew: American History Module I / Module II
This unique collection documents American History from the earliest settlers to the mid-twentieth century. It is sourced from the Gilder Lehrman Collection, one of the finest archives available for the study of American History.
  • Module I Settlement, Commerce, Revolution and Reform: 1493-1859
  • Module II Civil War, Reconstruction, and the Modern Era: 1860-1945


Bu özel koleksiyon Amerikan Tarihi’ni ilk yerleimcilerden yirminci yüzy覺l ortalar覺na kadar belgelendirmektedir. Kayna覺n覺 Gilder Lehrman Koleksiyonu’ndan alan bu kaynak, Amerikan Tarihi’nin önde gelen arivlerindendir.
  • Module I Settlement, Commerce, Revolution and Reform: 1493-1859
  • Module II Civil War, Reconstruction, and the Modern Era: 1860-1945

Adam Matthew: Business, Economic and Labour History

A range of important sources from Britain and America, covering key subjects within this historical field, including Keynesian economic policy in post-war Britain; international labour movements; the London Stock Exchange; and the papers of important economists.


Bu koleksiyon, sava sonras覺 Britanya’da Keynesian ekonomi politikas覺, uluslararas覺 içi hareketleri, Londra Borsas覺 ile ilgili bilgiler ve ekonomistlerin yaz覺lar覺n覺n da içerisinde yer ald覺覺 Britanya ve Amerika’ya dair önemli kaynaklar覺 içermektedir.
Adam Matthew: China: Trade, Politics & Culture

With documents encompassing events from the earliest English embassy to the birth and early years of the People’s Republic, this resource collects sources from nine archives to give an incredible insight into the changes in China during this period.


襤lk 襤ngiliz büyükelçiliinden Halk Cumhuriyeti'nin douuna ve ilk y覺llar覺na kadar olan olaylar覺 kapsayan belgelerle bu koleksiyon, bu dönemde Çin'deki deiikliklere dair dokuz arivden elde edilen kaynaklar覺 bir araya getirmektedir.
Adam Matthew: Confidential Print: Latin America, 1833-1969

This collection consists of the Confidential Print for Central and South America and the French- and the Spanish-speaking Caribbean. Topics covered include slavery and the slave trade, immigration, relations with indigenous peoples, wars and territorial disputes, the fall of the Brazilian monarchy, British business and financial interests, industrial development, the building of the Panama Canal, and the rise to power of populist rulers such as Perón in Argentina and Vargas in Brazil.


Bu kaynak, Orta ve Güney Amerika ile Frans覺zca ve 襤spanyolca konuan Karayipler bölgesini ele alan Confidental Print: Latin America koleksiyonundan oluur. Kapsanan konular aras覺nda kölelik ve köle ticareti, göç, yerli halklarla ilikiler, savalar ve toprak anlamazl覺klar覺, Brezilya monarisinin düüü, 襤ngiliz i ve mali ç覺karlar覺, endüstriyel gelimeler, Panama Kanal覺'n覺n inas覺 ile Arjantin'de Perón ve Brezilya'da Vargas gibi popülist yönetimlerin yükselii yer almaktad覺r.
Adam Matthew: Confidential Print: Middle East

This collection consists of the Confidential Print for the countries of the Levant and the Arabian peninsula, Iran, Turkey, Egypt and Sudan. Beginning with the Egyptian reforms of Muhammad Ali Pasha in the 1830s, the documents trace the events of the following 150 years, including the Middle East Conference of 1921, the mandates for Palestine and Mesopotamia, the partition of Palestine, the 1956 Suez Crisis and post-Suez Western foreign policy, and the Arab-Israeli conflict.


Bu kaynak, Levant ve Arap yar覺madas覺 ülkeleri, 襤ran, Türkiye, M覺s覺r ve Sudan’覺 ele alan Confidential Print: Middle East koleksiyonundan olumaktad覺r. 1830'larda Muhammed Ali Paa'n覺n M覺s覺r reformlar覺yla balayan belgeler, 1921 Ortadou Konferans覺, Filistin ve Mezopotamya mandalar覺, Filistin'in bölünmesi, 1956 Süvey Krizi ve sonras覺 Bat覺’n覺n d覺 politikas覺, Arap-襤srail çat覺mas覺 dahil olmak üzere sonraki 150 y覺ll覺k olaylar覺n izini sürmektedir.
Adam Matthew: Foreign Office Files for China, 1919-1980

The six parts of this collection make available all British Foreign Office files dealing with China, Hong Kong and Taiwan between 1919 and 1980:

  • 1919-1929: Kuomintang, CCP and the Third International
  • 1930-1937: The Long March, civil war in China and the Manchurian Crisis
  • 1938-1948: Open Door, Japanese war and the seeds of communist victory
  • 1949-1956: The Communist revolution
  • 1957-1966: The Great Leap Forward
  • 1967-1980: The Cultural Revolution

Alt覺 parçadan oluan bu koleksiyon,1919-1980 aras覺 Çin Hong Kong ve Tayvan ile ilgili Britanya D覺ileri Bakanl覺覺’n覺n belgelerini sunmaktad覺r.
  • 1919-1929: Kuomintang, ÇKP ve Üçüncü Enternasyonal
  • 1930-1937: Uzun Yürüyü, Çin'deki iç sava ve Mançurya Krizi
  • 1938-1948: Aç覺k Kap覺, Japon sava覺 ve komünist zaferin tohumlar覺
  • 1949-1956: Komünist Devrim
  • 1957-1966: Büyük 襤leri At覺l覺m
  • 1967-1980: Kültür Devrimi 

Adam Matthew: Foreign Office Files for India, Pakistan and Afghanistan

Database includes the documents in the series of DO 133, DO 134, FCO 37 and FO 371, which consist of events in the Indian subcontinent, such as independence and partition, the Indian annexation of Hyderabad and Goa, war between India and Pakistan, tensions and war between India and China, the consolidation of power of the Congress Party in India, military rule in Pakistan, the turbulent independence of Bangladesh and the development of nuclear weapons in the region.


Veritaban覺, Hindistan anakaras覺ndaki ba覺ms覺zl覺k, Hindistan’覺n Haydarabad ve Goa’y覺 ilhak覺, Hindistan ve Pakistan aras覺ndaki sava覺, Hindistan ve Çin aras覺ndaki sava覺, Hindistan Ulusal Kongresi’nin konsolidasyonu, Pakistan’daki askeri yönetimi; Banglade’in ba覺ms覺zl覺覺 ile bölgedeki nükleer silahlara yönelik gelimeleri ele alan DO 133, DO 134, FCO 37 ve FO 371 serisi belgeleri içermektedir.
Adam Matthew: Foreign Office Files for the Middle East, 1971-1981

This collection is a resource for understanding the events in the Middle East during the 1970s. It addresses the policies, economies, political relationships, and significant events of every major Middle East power.


Bu koleksiyon, 1970'lerde Orta Dou'daki olaylar覺n anla覺lmas覺n覺 ve analiz edilmesini salayan bir kaynakt覺r. Orta Dou’da etkili olan bütün büyük güçlerin politikalar覺n覺, ekonomilerini, siyasi ilikilerini ve önemli olaylar覺n覺 ele al覺r.
Adam Matthew: Macmillan Cabinet Papers, 1957-1963

Macmillan Cabinet Papers, 1957-1963 provides complete coverage of the cabinet conclusions (minutes) (CAB 128) and memoranda (CAB 129) of Harold Macmillan’s government, plus selected minutes and memoranda of policy committees (CAB 134). This collection also includes 165 files from the Prime Minister's Private Office (PREM 11).


Macmillan Cabinet Papers, 1957-1963, Harold Macmillan hükümetinin kabine tutanaklar覺n覺n (CAB 128) ve muht覺ralar覺n覺n (CAB 129) tam hallerini; politika komitelerinin seçilen tutanaklar覺 ve muht覺ralar覺n覺 (CAB 134) içermektedir. Bu koleksiyon ayr覺ca Babakanl覺k Özel Ofisi'nden (PREM 11) 165 dosya içermektedir.
History Vault: World War I: British Foreign Office Political Correspondence

The database includes confidential correspondences and documents of the British Foreign Office that begins with the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austro-Hungary in July 1914 and continues through until the armistice between Germany and the Allies in November 1918, and beyond, into 1920.


Veritaban覺, Avusturya-Macaristan Aridükü Franz Ferdinand’a 14 Temmuz 1914’te düzenlenen suikast ile balayan ve Almanya ile Müttefikler aras覺nda Kas覺m 1918’de imzalanan atekes anlamas覺 ile 1920 y覺l覺na kadar  devam eden, Britanya D覺ileri Ofisi’ne ait gizli yaz覺ma ve belgeleri içermektedir. 
History Vault: World War I: Records of the American Expeditionary Forces, and Diplomacy in the World War I Era

The database includes documents about the American Expeditionary Force (ASF) in World War I, mostly covering the years 1917-1919, and provides access to reports on US intelligence operations, and the post-war peace process, conference recordings, documents on reparations, and diplomacy works.


Veritaban覺, I. Dünya Sava覺’nda yer alan Amerikan Seferi Kuvvetleri (ASF) hakk覺nda, çounluunu 1917-1919 aras覺 y覺llar覺 kapsayan belgelerin yan覺 s覺ra; ABD istihbarat operasyonlar覺 ve sava sonras覺 bar覺 sürecini içeren raporlar, konferans kay覺tlar覺, tazminat belgeleri ve diplomasi çal覺malar覺na eriim salamaktad覺r. 
History Vault: World War II: U.S. Documents on Planning, Operations, Intelligence, Axis War Crimes and Refugees

The database includes President Franklin D. Roosevelt's Map Room Files, Records of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Records of the War Department Operations Division, U.S. Navy Action and Operational Reports, Records of the Office of War Information, Papers of the War Refugee Board, George C. Marshall Papers; FBI Files on Tokyo Rose, Manhattan Project documents, Potsdam Conference Documents, and numerous other collections that provides many different views of World War II.


Veritaban覺, Genelkurmay Bakanl覺覺, Sava Bakanl覺覺 Operasyonlar Bölümü kay覺tlar覺, Amerikan Donanmas覺 ve Operasyonel raporlar覺, Sava Ofisi Bilgilendirme kay覺tlar覺, Sava Mültecileri Kurulu belgeleri, George C. Marshall belgeleri; Tokyo Rose hakk覺ndaki FBI belgeleri, Manhattan Projesi belgeleri, Postdam Konferans覺 belgeleri ile II. Dünya Sava覺’na birçok farkl覺 noktadan 覺覺k tutan koleksiyonlar覺 ve daha fazlas覺n覺 içermektedir.
ProQuest Civil War Era

Covering many aspects of American history, the ProQuest Civil War Era database provides access to primary sources including economic and other forces that led to the abolitionist movement, 600,000 war casualties, and the emancipation of approximately 4 million slaves.


Amerikan tarihini birçok yönden ele alan ProQuest Civil War Era veritaban覺, kölelik kar覺t覺 hareketlere, 600,000 sava kayb覺na sebep olan ve yakla覺k olarak 4 milyon kölenin özgürlemesini salayan ekonomik faktörleri ve dier etkenleri içeren birincil kaynaklara eriim salamaktad覺r.   
Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1600-2000

The database includes materials such as documents, primary sources, book and movie reviews that provide an overview of the lives of women in America.


Veritaban覺, 1600-2000 y覺llar覺 aras覺n覺 kapsayan ve Amerika’daki kad覺nlar覺n yaamlar覺na genel bir bak覺 aç覺s覺 salayan belgeler, birincil el kaynaklar, kitap, film eletirileri gibi materyalleri içermektedir.
Women and Social Movements, Modern Empires since 1820

The database includes documents on prominent themes in world history such as conquest, colonization, settlement, resistance, and post-coloniality through women’s voices. The documents within the collection are related to Habsburg, the Ottoman, the British, French, Italian, Dutch, Russian, Japanese, and United States Empires, and settler societies in New Zealand, Australia, and the United States since 1820.


Veritaban覺, fetih, sömürge, yerleme, direni ve sömürgecilik sonras覺 gibi dünya tarihinde öne ç覺kan konular覺 kad覺nlar üzerinden aktaran; Habsburg, Osmanl覺, Britanya, Fransa, 襤talya, Hollanda, Rusya, Japonya, Birleik Devletler gibi imparatorluklar ile Yeni Zelanda, Avustralya ve Birleik Devletler’deki yerleimci topluluklar ile ilgili, 1820’den beri olan belgeleri içermektedir. 



LexiQamus is a dictionary that helps deciphering illegible words in Ottoman Turkish manuscripts and documents.


LexiQamus, Osmanl覺 Türkçesi el yazmalar覺 ve belgelerde okunamayan kelimeleri çözmeye yard覺mc覺 olan bir sözlüktür.



American Doctoral Dissertations

American Doctoral Dissertations is a bibliographic database that help researchers to locate more than 172.000 doctoral dissertations that were accepted by American universities from 1902 to present.


American Doctoral Dissertations veritaban覺, Amerikan üniversiteleri taraf覺ndan kabul edilen ve 1902’den günümüze kadar uzanan 172,000’den fazla doktora tezi içerir.
Applied Science & Business Periodicals Retrospective

Applied Science & Business Periodicals Retrospective is an archive of citations covering the history of business and industry between 1913 and 1983. It contains millions of records offering a rich account of technological advances, business strategies, company profiles, iconic executives and scientists and more.


Applied Science & Business Periodicals Retrospective veritaban覺, 1913 ve 1983 y覺llar覺 aras覺nda endsütri ve iletme tarihini kapsayan; teknolojik ilerlemeler, i stratejileri, irket profilleri, ikonik yönetim gibi konularda  milyonlarca bibliyografik kayda eriim salamaktad覺r.
Journal Citation Reports (JCR)

Journal Citation Reports (JCR) provides you the possibility to evaluate journals with information based  on quantitative and statistic information, through reference datas. JCR shows you the relationship between references, and measures the impact of research according to journal and category levels. JCR provides you the data about journals, evaluate a journal’s impact factor, and have connection through various interfaces.


Journal Citation Reports (JCR) at覺f verilerine dayanan say覺sal veriler ve istatistik temelli bilgilerle dergileri deerlendirme imkan覺 sunar. JCR dergi ve kategori seviyelerine göre arat覺rman覺n etkisini ölçer ve at覺flar aras覺ndaki ilikiyi gösterir. JCR ile, dergiler ile ilgili veri salayabilir, derginin etki faktörünü deerlendirebilir ve çeitli arayüzlerle balant覺 salayabilirsiniz.

EBSCO’s Newswires provides near real-time access to top world-wide news from Associated Press, United Press International, PR Newswire, Xinhua, CNN Wire, and Business Wire on a continuous basis. This content is monitored by EBSCO and relevant results are provided when users enter searches in EBSCOhost. This collection includes AP Financial News, AP Top News, AP WorldStream, AP U.S. Politics & Government, AP 50 State Reports, UPI Security Industry, UPI Emerging Threats, UPI Business, UPI Entertainment, UPI Sports, UPI Top News, Arabia 2000, and more. End users can immediately access the full text of the web content, by following the link in the record. The index to the full text content in EBSCO Newswires is held for a rolling 30-day archive by EBSCO, so users can enjoy the previous 30 days of news relating to their search interests.


Newswires veritaban覺 Associated Press, United Press International, PR Newswire, Xinhua, CNN Wire ve Business Wire gibi dünya çap覺ndaki medyadan e zamanl覺 haberler salamaktad覺r.

PhilPapers provides access to scholarly resources in philosophy and related subjects, including books, articles, open access archives, and personal pages.


PhilPapers veritaban覺 felsefe ve ilgili alanlarda yay覺nlanm覺 bilimsel kitaplara, makalelere, aç覺k eriimli arivlere ve kiisel web sayfalar覺na eriim salamaktad覺r.
ROAR-Registry of Open Access Repositories

The Registry of Open Access Repositories (ROAR) lists and shows the growth and status of open access repositories throughout the world.


Aç覺k Eriim Arivleri Kay覺t Platformu (Registry of Open Access Repositories-ROAR) dünya genelindeki aç覺k eriim arivlerin geliimini ve durumunu listeler ve gösterir.

Scopus covers 18,000 publications from 5,000 different publishers in the fields of science, technology, medicine and the social sciences. It provides abstract searching from 1960, and cited reference searching from 1996 to the present. In addition to academic journals, it includes conference proceedings, trade publications, patents, book series and scientific web-pages. Content is updated daily.


Bilim, teknik, t覺p ve sosyal bilimler alan覺nda, 5000 farkl覺 yay覺nevine ait 18.000 yay覺nda yer alan çal覺malar覺n 1960 y覺l覺ndan günümüze özet, 1996 y覺l覺ndan günümüze de at覺f bilgilerini içeren bibliyografik bir veritaban覺d覺r. Bilimsel dergilerin yan覺 s覺ra, konferans tutanaklar覺, ticari yay覺nlar, patentler, kitap serileri ve bilimsel içerikli web sayfalar覺n覺 da içeren veritaban覺 her gün güncellenmektedir.

Database will be on trial access until 15 January 2024.

Sobiad database provides access to the citations of articles, and index information of many journals published in the fields of Social Sciences, Natural Sciences and Health Sciences.

Note: Please, let us know your opinion about the electronic database we have set up for the trial via “Database Trial Evaluation Form.”


Veritaban覺 15 Ocak 2024 tarihine kadar deneme eriimine aç覺k olacakt覺r.

Sobiad veritaban覺, Sosyal Bilimler, Fen Bilimleri ve Sal覺k Bilimleri alanlar覺nda yay覺nlanan makalelerin at覺flar覺na ve çok say覺da derginin indeks bilgilerine eriim salamaktad覺r.

Not: Deneme eriimine aç覺lan veritaban覺 hakk覺ndaki görüünüzü “Deneme Veritaban覺 Deerlendirme Formu” arac覺l覺覺 ile bize iletebilirsiniz.
Social Sciences Index Retrospective: 1907-1983

It includes book reviews and nearly one millions indexes in the fields of anthropology, city studies, communication, international relations, law, psychology and statistics.


Antropoloji, hukuk, iletiim, istatistik, psikoloji, ehir çal覺malar覺 ve uluslararas覺 ilikiler alanlar覺nda dergilerin bir milyona yak覺n dergi indeksini ve kitap eletirilerini içerir.
Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory

Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory is a bibliographic database providing detailed, comprehensive, and authoritative information on serials published throughout the world. It covers all subjects and includes publications that are published regularly or irregularly and are circulated free of charge or by paid subscription.


Ulrich's Per覺odicals Directory dünya çap覺nda yay覺nlanm覺 süreli yay覺nlar hakk覺nda detayl覺 geni ve güvenilir bilgi salayan bibliyografik bir veritaban覺d覺r. Bu veritaban覺 bütün konular覺 kapsar ve düzenli , düzensiz yay覺nlanm覺 yay覺nlar覺, ücretsiz da覺t覺lan veya abonelik ödenen yay覺nlar覺n hepsini içerir.
Web News

EBSCO’s Web News provides near real-time access to thousands of top news feeds from around the globe. This collection includes over 14,000 feeds covering a range of business and general news topics.


Web News veritaban覺, dünya çap覺nda birçok konudaki habere e zamanl覺 olarak eriim salamaktad覺r.


Calvin Portal

The portal provides access to all the texts by or about John Calvin, which have been published by the Librairie Droz with an initial focus on Geneva, Calvin, and the beginnings of the French evangelical movement with Lefèvre d’Etaples and Marguerite de Navarre.


Portal, John Calvin taraf覺ndan yaz覺lan veya John Calvin hakk覺nda Librairie Droz taraf覺ndan yay覺nlanan tüm metinlere eriim salar. Portal, Cenevre, Calvin, Lefèvre d'Etaples ve Marguerite de Navarre ile Frans覺z evanjelik hareketinin balang覺c覺na odaklan覺r.
Cambridge Journals Online

Cambridge Journals Online offers full-text access to over 350 peer-reviewed academic journals in the fields of social sciences, science, technology, medicine, and humanities published by the Cambridge University Press and partner publishers.

Please click for the details of the “Read and Publish” Agreement.


Cambridge Journals Online, Cambridge Üniversitesi ve partner yay覺nevleri taraf覺ndan sosyal bilimler, bilim, teknoloji, t覺p ve beeri bilimler konular覺nda yay覺nlanan 350’den fazla hakemli akademik dergiye tam metin eriim salar.

“Oku ve Yay覺mla” Anlamas覺 detaylar覺 için lütfen t覺klay覺n覺z. 
Classiques Garnier

Database will be on trial access until 30 November 2023.

Classiques Garnier provides access to a range of databases including books, journals, dictionaries, and encyclopedias in the fields of literature and the humanities.

Note: Please, let us know your opinion about the electronic database we have set up for the trial via “Database Trial Evaluation Form.”


Veritaban覺 30 Kas覺m 2023 tarihine kadar deneme eriimine aç覺k olacakt覺r.
Classiques Garnier, edebiyat ve beeri bilimler alanlar覺nda kitaplar, dergiler, sözlükler, ansiklopediler dahil olmak üzere bir dizi veritaban覺na eriim salar.

Not: Deneme eriimine aç覺lan veritaban覺 hakk覺ndaki görüünüzü “Deneme Veritaban覺 Deerlendirme Formu” arac覺l覺覺 ile bize iletebilirsiniz.
De Gruyter E-Books

De Gruyter E-Books database topics are consist of computer, economics, law, physics, chemistry, mathematics, architecture, engineering, history and music.


De Gruyter E-Books veritaban覺 bilgisayar, ekonomi, hukuk, fizik, kimya, matematik, mimarl覺k, mühendislik, tarih ve müzik alanlar覺ndaki kitaplar覺 kapsamaktad覺r.
Duke Books Scholarly Collection

The Duke Books Scholarly Collection provides full-text access to electronic books in social sciences published by the Duke University Press.


Duke Books Scholarly Collection, Duke University Press taraf覺ndan sosyal bilimler alan覺nda yay覺nlanmakta olan elektronik kitaplara tam metin eriim salamaktad覺r.
Early European Books

Early European Books provides access to many works in different languages that were printed in Europe before 1701.


Early European Books, 1701 y覺l覺ndan önce Avrupa’da bas覺lm覺 olan farkl覺 dillerdeki birçok çal覺maya eriim salamaktad覺r. 
EBSCO eBook Super Collection

EBSCO eBook Super Collection database provides access to more than 582.000 full-text e-books from publishers such as Harvard University Press, Cambridge University Press, MIT, Bloomsbury, Cornell University Press, Oxford University Press in the subjects of business, science, engineering, social sciences, etc.

Please click on the "Downloading an eBook Guide" page.

For mobile app 


EBSCO eBook Super Collection veritaban覺 Harvard University Press, Cambridge University Press, MIT, Bloomsbury, Cornell University Press, Oxford University Press gibi yay覺nevleri taraf覺ndan yay覺mlanan ve iletmeden fen bilimlerine, mühendislikten beeri bilimlere kadar çok say覺da disiplini kapsayan 582.000’den fazla tam metin e-kitaba eriim sunmaktad覺r. 

"E-kitap indirme rehberi" sayfas覺 için lütfen t覺klay覺n.

Mobil uygulama için

Database will be on trial access until 31 October 2022.

ElgarOnline provides access to the resources such as books, journals, encyclopedias, monographs, and dictionaries in the fields of law, policy, geography, sociology, education, environment, business and management, regional studies, and more.

Trial access covers the sources between the years 2017, 2018, and 2019. Please refine the sources by these dates during the searches.

Note: Please, let us know your opinion about the electronic database we have set up for the trial via
Database Trial Evaluation Form.”


Veritaban覺 31 Ekim 2022 tarihine kadar deneme eriimine aç覺k olacakt覺r.
ElgarOnline hukuk, politika, corafya, sosyoloji, eitim, çevre, iletme, bölge çal覺malar覺 ve daha birçok alanda kitap, dergi, ansiklopedi, monograf ve sözlük gibi kaynaklara eriim salamaktad覺r.
Deneme eriimi 2017, 2018 ve 2019 y覺llar覺 aras覺ndaki kaynaklar覺 kapsamaktad覺r. Tarama ilemleri s覺ras覺nda lütfen kaynaklar覺 bu tarih aral覺klar覺na göre belirleyiniz.
Not: Deneme eriimine aç覺lan veritaban覺 hakk覺ndaki görüünüzü “Deneme Veritaban覺 Deerlendirme Formu” arac覺l覺覺 ile bize iletebilirsiniz.
Elsevier E-Books

Elsevier E-books purchase includes books published in chemical engineering, computer sciences, engineering, material science, mathematics, physics and astronomy; molecular biology and genetics, biochemistry, chemistry, finance, psychology, business, management, hospitality and tourism. These e-books can be accessed through the same interface as ScienceDirect journals: In order to read the full-text of these e-books, please select “Browse by Subject” and then click on any book title that has an accompanying green icon.


Elsevier Yay覺nevine ait, kimya mühendislii, bilgisayar bilimleri, mühendislik, materyal bilimi, matematik, fizik ve astronomi, moleküler biyoloji, genetik, kimya, biyokimya, finans, psikoloji, iletme, yönetim, turizm ve otelcilik konular覺nda kitaplara eriim salanmaktad覺r. Elsevier Yay覺nevi’ne ait elektronik kitaplara ScienceDirect dergileri ile ayn覺 arayüzden eriim salanmaktad覺r: belirtilen URL adresindeki konu bal覺klar覺 alt覺nda yeil renk kitaplara tam metin eriilebilmektedir.
HathiTrust Digital Library

HathiTrust is a partnership of educational and research institutions, offering a collection of millions of titles digitized by partner libraries. Books in the public domain can be viewed in full while copyrighted items are only searchable.

Eitim ve arat覺rma kurumlar覺n覺n ortak oluumu olan HathiTrust, partner kütüphaneler taraf覺ndan dijitalletirilmi milyonlarca bal覺ktan oluan bir koleksiyon sunar. Kamunun kullan覺m覺na sunulan kaynaklar tam metin olarak çevrimiçi görüntülenebilirken, telif haklar覺yla korunan kitaplar sadece taranabilmektedir.

Internet Archive

The Internet Archive (, founded in 1996, provides access to digitized books and other digital artifacts. Some books cannot be downloaded as PDF. However, they can be borrowed by one patron at a time for 14 days. Borrowing is manageable through a free account and Adobe Digital Editions.


1996 y覺l覺nda kurulan 襤nternet Arivi ( dijitalletirilmi kitaplara ve dier dijital eserlere eriim salar. Baz覺 kitaplar pdf olarak indirilmez, ancak bir kullan覺c覺 taraf覺ndan 14 günlüüne ödünç al覺nabilir. Ödünç alma, ücretsiz aç覺labilecek bir hesap ve Adobe Digital Editions arac覺l覺覺yla gerçekletirilebilir.


The OAPEN is an online library and publication platform that contains freely accessible academic books, mainly in the area of humanities and social sciences, engineering, and science.


OAPEN, temel olarak beeri bilimler, sosyal bilimler, mühendislik gibi alanlarda ücretsiz eriilebilen akademik kitaplar içeren bir çevrimiçi kütüphane ve yay覺n platformudur.
Open Book Publishers

Open Book Publishers, an independent open access publisher in the humanities and social sciences, publishes books in hardcopy format as well as free online editions in PDF, HTML, and XML formats that can be read via the website, downloaded, reused or embedded anywhere.


Ba覺ms覺z bir aç覺k eriim yay覺nc覺s覺 olan Open Book Publishers, beeri bilimler ve sosyal bilimler alan覺nda bas覺l覺 kitaplar覺n yan覺 s覺ra her bir kitab覺n PDF, HTML ve XML formatlar覺nda çevrim içi okunabilen, indirilebilen, tekrar kullan覺labilen veya her yere ilitirilebilen ücretsiz çevrim içi sürümlerini de yay覺nlar.

OpenEdition is a French platform for electronic resources in the humanities and social sciences that provides access to more than 9000 books under the OpenEdition Books.


OpenEdition, beeri bilimler ve sosyal bilimler elektronik kaynaklar覺 için OpenEdition Books alt覺nda 9000’den fazla kitaba eriim salayan Fransa meneili bir platformdur.
OpenEdition Books
ENG: Database will be on trial access until 14 January 2022.

OpenEdition Books trial access includes e-books in the fields of arts and humanities.

Note: Please, let us know your opinion about the electronic database we have set up for the trial via “Database Trial Evaluation Form.”

TR: Veritaban覺 14 Ocak 2022 tarihine kadar deneme eriimine aç覺k olacakt覺r.
OpenEdition Books Deneme eriimi sanat ve beeri bilimler alan覺ndaki e-kitaplar覺 içermektedir.

Not: Deneme eriimine aç覺lan veritaban覺 hakk覺ndaki görüünüzü “Deneme Veritaban覺 Deerlendirme Formu” arac覺l覺覺 ile bize iletebilirsiniz.

Oxford Scholarship Online (OSO), Oxford Academic

Oxford Scholarship Online provides access to the e-books from the Oxford University Press covering subjects across biology, business, and management, classical studies, economics and finance, history, law, linguistics, literature, mathematics, philosophy, physics, political science, psychology, religion, social work, sociology.


Oxford Scholarship Online veritaban覺 biyoloji, iletme ve yönetim, klasik çal覺malar, ekonomi ve finans, tarih, hukuk, dilbilimi, edebiyat, matematik, felsefe, fizik, siyaset bilimi, psikoloji, din, sosyal çal覺malar ve sosyoloji konular覺n覺 kapsayan Oxford University Press e-kitaplar覺na eriim salar.
Oxford Very Short Introductions

Database will be on trial access until 31 December 2024.

Very Short Introductions database provides access to short introductions in fields of arts, social sciences and humanities, law, medicine and health, science and mathematics.

Contents can only be viewed in html format, there is no download option.

Note: Please, let us know your opinion about the electronic database we have set up for the trial via “Database Trial Evaluation Form.”


Veritaban覺   31 Aral覺k 2024 tarihine kadar deneme eriimine aç覺k olacakt覺r.

Very Short Introductions veritaban覺, sanat, sosyal ve beeri bilimler, hukuk, t覺p ve sal覺k, bilim ve matematik gibi alanlarda k覺sa tan覺t覺mlara eriim salamaktad覺r.

襤çerikler yaln覺zca html format覺nda görüntülenebilmektedir, indirme seçenei yoktur.

Not: Deneme eriimine aç覺lan veritaban覺 hakk覺ndaki görüünüzü “Deneme Veritaban覺 Deerlendirme Formu” arac覺l覺覺 ile bize iletebilirsiniz. 

Project Gutenberg

Project Gutenberg is a library that provides free access to over 60,000 free ebooks from the world’s great literature with a focus on older works for which U.S. copyright has expired. You can choose among HTML, epub, kindle, plain text vs. formats to download them or read the books online.


Gutenberg Projesi, ABD telif haklar覺n覺n zaman a覺m覺na urad覺覺 eski eserler bata olmak üzere, dünyan覺n önemli eserlerinden 60.000’den fazla e-kitaba ücretsiz eriim salayan bir kütüphanedir. E-kitaplar覺 indirmek için HTML, epub, kindle, düz metin gibi formatlar aras覺ndan seçim yapabilir veya kitaplar覺 çevrimiçi okuyabilirsiniz.
Project Muse Books Collection

Project Muse Books Collection provides access to electronic books published between 2010 and 2016 in philosophy, religion, literature, theatre, performing arts and related subjects.


Project Muse Books Collection, felsefe, din, edebiyat, tiyatro, sahne sanatlar覺 ve ilgili konularda, 2010 – 2016 y覺llar覺 aras覺nda yay覺nlanm覺 elektronik kitaplara eriim salamaktad覺r.
Project Muse Open Access

Poject Muse offers open access journals and books from several distinguished university presses and scholarly societies.


Project Muse, birçok seçkin üniversite yay覺nevinden ve akademik topluluklardan aç覺k eriimli dergiler ve kitaplar sunar.
Sage E-Books and Handbooks

Sage E-Books and Handbooks database include e-books from various subjects such as business&management, politics&international relations, education, sociology etc.


Sage E-Books and Handbooks veritaban覺, iletme ve yönetim, siyaset bilimi ve uluslararas覺 ilikiler, eitim, sosyoloji vb. konularda e-kitaplar içerir.
Springer E-Book Collection

The Springer eBook Collection offers the first online book collection especially made for the requirements of researchers and scientists. The collection currently includes online access to more than 25,000 titles and grows with more than 3,400 newly released STM books, book series volumes and reference works each year.


Springer E-Book Collection Springer yay覺nevine ait elektronik kitaplara eriim salamaktad覺r.
Springer Open

Springer Open provides open access journals and books from all areas of science, technology, medicine, the humanities, and social sciences.


SpringerOpen; bilim, teknoloji, t覺p, beeri bilimler ve sosyal bilimlerin her alan覺ndan aç覺k eriimli dergiler ve kitaplar sunar.
Taylor & Francis E-Books

Database provides access to the e-books of Taylor & Francis Publications in the subject fields of history, political science, philosophy, and media.


Veritaban覺, Taylor & Francis Yay覺nevi’ne ait tarih, politika, felsefe ve medya konulu elektronik kitaplara eriim salamaktad覺r.

Turcademy provides access to about 2,500 electronic books in law, history, philosophy, psychology, political science, language and literature, education, business, economy, science, engineering, architecture, health sciences, and related subjects published by An覺 Publishing, Gazi Publishing, Palme Publishing, Pegem Academy and Seçkin Publishing.

NOTE: To read the resources, it is necessary to sign up by institutional e-mail and to be connected to the Bilkent internet network.

Please click to watch the Turcademy User Guide video.


Turcademy, An覺 Yay覺nc覺l覺k, Gazi Kitabevi, Palme Yay覺nc覺l覺k, Pegem Akademi ve Seçkin Yay覺nc覺l覺k gibi yay覺nevleri taraf覺ndan hukuk, tarih, felsefe, psikoloji, siyaset bilimi, dil ve edebiyat, eitim, iletme, ekonomi, bilim, mühendislik, mimarl覺k, sal覺k bilimleri ve ilgili konularda yay覺nlanm覺 yakla覺k 2.500 elektronik kitaba eriim salamaktad覺r.

NOT: Kaynaklar覺 okumak için kurumsal e-posta ile üyelik yapmak ve kurum internet a覺na bal覺 olmak gerekmektedir.

Turcademy Kullan覺m Rehberi videosunu izlemek için lütfen t覺klay覺n覺z.
Twentieth Century Religious Thought: Volume II, Islam

Twentieth Century Religious Thought: Volume II, Islam focuses on modern Islamic theology and tradition and details Islam’s evolution from the late 19th century by examining printed works and rare documents by Muslim writers, both non-Western and Western voices.


Twentieth Century Religious Thought: Volume II, Islam veritaban覺, 19. yüzy覺l覺n sonlar覺ndan itibaren 襤slam’覺n deiimini detayland覺rmas覺n覺n yan覺 s覺ra; modern 襤slami teoloji ve gelenek üzerine, Müslüman yazarlar taraf覺ndan yap覺lan çal覺malar覺 içermektedir.
Wiley Online Books

Wiley Online Books database provide unlimited full-text access to more than 21,500 e-books. Wiley Online Library e-book topics are consist of business, finance, chemistry, physics and engineering, medical and health sciences, humanities, social sciences and psychology.


Wiley Online Books veritaban覺 21.500’den fazla e-kitaba tam metin s覺n覺rs覺z eriim imkan覺 salar. Wiley Online Library e-kitap konular覺 iletme, finans, kimya, fizik ve mühendislik, t覺p ve sal覺k bilimleri, insani bilimler, sosyal bilimler ve psikolojidir.

Full Text

Academic Search Ultimate

Developed to meet the increasing demands of scholarly research, Academic Search Ultimate offers students an unprecedented collection of peer-reviewed, full-text journals, including many journals indexed in leading citation indexes.


Özellikle akademik kurumlar için tasarlanm覺 Academic Search Ultimate, tüm akademik disiplinlerden, 5.300’den fazla dergiyi tam metin olarak kullan覺ma sunmaktad覺r. Sosyal bilimler, insani bilimler, eitim, bilgisayar bilimleri, mühendislik, dil bilim, sanat ve edebiyat, t覺p vs. konular覺n覺 içerir. Veritaban覺 içerisindeki tam metin makaleler, 1865’li y覺llara kadar geriye gidebilmektedir.
Adam Matthew: Research Methods Primary Sources
Learning Tool will be on trial access until 2 December 2021.
Research Methods Primary Sources is an online learning tool for literacy of primary sources. The collection includes case studies, practice sources, and guides about analyzing primary sources.    
Note: Please, let us know your opinion about the electronic database we have set up for the trial via “Database Trial Evaluation Form.”


Örenme arac覺 2 Aral覺k 2021 tarihine kadar deneme eriimine aç覺k olacakt覺r.
Research Methods Primary Sources birincil kaynaklar覺n okuryazarl覺覺 konusunu ele alan çevrim içi bir örenme arac覺d覺r. Koleksiyon birincil kaynaklar覺n incelenmesi ve arat覺r覺lmas覺na yönelik örnek çal覺malar覺, uygulamal覺 kaynaklar覺 ve rehberleri içermektedir.
Not: Deneme eriimine aç覺lan veritaban覺 hakk覺ndaki görüünüzü “Deneme Veritaban覺 Deerlendirme Formu” arac覺l覺覺 ile bize iletebilirsiniz.

Annual Reviews

Annual Reviews Online is a comprehensive collection of critical review articles for the literature in various scholarly disciplines and provides access to journals in full-text for the biomedical, physical, and social sciences.

It is recommended that you become a Registered User by creating a username and password to receive e-mail alerts about the table of contents and other subjects when new volumes are released.

Your password must be at least 8 characters and contain uppercase letters, numbers, and at least one special character.

The registered users will have access to Reviews in Advance, which is sometimes released up to six months before official publication.

Publication list


Annual Reviews çeitli disiplinlerde yay覺nlanm覺, makale analizleri veren bir dergi koleksiyonudur. Biyomedikal, fizik ve sosyal bilimler alan覺ndaki dergilere tam metin eriim imkan覺 salamaktad覺r.

Yeni ciltler yay覺nland覺覺nda içindekiler tablosu hakk覺nda ve dier konulardaki e-posta uyar覺lar覺n覺 almak için kullan覺c覺 ad覺 ve ifre oluturarak Kay覺tl覺 Kullan覺c覺 olman覺z önerilir.

ifreniz en az 8 karakterden olumal覺 ve büyük harf, say覺 ve en az bir adet özel karakter içermelidir.

Kay覺t yapt覺ran kullan覺c覺lar, yay覺nland覺kça oluturulan ve bazen resmi yay覺ndan alt覺 ay kadar önce ç覺kar覺lan Reviews in Advance'e erime olana覺na sahip olacaklard覺r.

Dergi listesi
Aperta (TÜBİTAK Open Archive)

Aperta is the open access repository of TÜB襤TAK.


Aperta, TÜB襤TAK’覺n aç覺k eriim arividir.
Belt and Road Initiative Reference Source

The Belt and Road Initiative Reference Source is a unique full-text database supporting the study of the Belt and Road Initiative. It provides thousands of scholarly journals from dozens of countries covering business trends, infrastructure, research collaboration, and trade opportunities related to the initiative.


The Belt and Road Initiative Reference Source, Asya, Orta Dou ve Dou Avrupa’n覺n Tek Kuak Tek Yol (One Belt One Road) anlay覺覺n覺 ve çal覺malar覺n覺 destekleyen tam metin dergiler ve yay覺nlara eriim salamaktad覺r.
Brill Online Journals

Brill Online Journals database includes more than 300 different social and humanities journals from international law, history, literature, and cultural studies to biology, philosophy, language and linguistics.


Brill Online Journals veritaban覺 uluslararas覺 hukuk, tarih, edebiyat ve kültürel çal覺malardan biyoloji, felsefe, dil ve dilbilim alanlar覺na kadar 300'den fazla sosyal ve beeri bilimler dergisi içermektedir.
Business Periodicals Index Retrospective

Business Periodicals Index Retrospective database provides access to historical processes from technological advances in business and economics to the success and failure of marketing strategies, from telecommunications history, global automobile market, the emergence of the international monetary fund.


Business Periodicals Index Retrospective veritaban覺 iletme ve ekonomi alan覺ndaki teknolojik ilerlemelerden, pazarlama stratejilerinin baar覺 ve baar覺s覺zl覺覺na, telekomünikasyon tarihinden, küresel otomobil pazar覺na, uluslararas覺 para fonunun ortaya ç覺k覺覺na kadar olan tarihsel süreçleri içeren kaynaklara eriim salamaktad覺r.
Business Source Ultimate

Business Source Ultimate is a full-text database that provides access to more than 10,000 scientific journals and publications in the field of business. Includes full-text journals in marketing, management, MIS (Information Management System), POM (Production and Operations Management), accounting, finance and economics. Business Source Ultimate also provides access to bibliographic records and abstracts of major business journals from 1886 to the present.


襤letme alan覺ndaki 10.000’den fazla bilimsel dergi ve yay覺na eriim salayan tam metin bir veritaban覺d覺r. Pazarlama, yönetim, MIS (Bilgi Yönetim Sistemi), POM (Üretim ve Operasyon Yönetimi), muhasebe, finans ve ekonomi alan覺ndaki tam metin dergileri içerir. Business Source Ultimate, 1886 y覺l覺ndan günümüze kadar önemli bilimsel iletme dergilerinin bibliyografik kay覺t ve özetlerine de eriim salar.
Central & Eastern European Academic Source

Central & Eastern European Academic Source (CEEAS) is a research database of full-text scholarly journals published in central and eastern European countries. Multidisciplinary and multilingual, it covers many subjects including history, business and law.


Central & Eastern European Academic Source (CEEAS), Orta ve Dou Avrupa ülkelerinde yay覺nlanan tam metin bilimsel dergilere eriim salayan bir arat覺rma veritaban覺d覺r. Tarih, iletme, hukuk gibi alanlarda, birçok farkl覺 dilde konuyu kapsamaktad覺r.
CIAO - Columbia International Affairs Online

Enables searching across “think-tanks” and research centers for information on international affairs. Includes access to the full text of working papers, conference proceedings, policy briefs, and books from 115 contributing institutions.


Uluslararas覺 ilikiler konusunda bilgi arayanlar için, arat覺rma merkezlerinde bulunan uzman gruplar覺n çal覺malar覺n覺 tarama imkan覺 salar. Katk覺da bulunan 115 enstitüden, kitaplar, politika özetleri, konferans bildirileri ve çal覺ma raporlar覺n覺n tam metinlerine eriim salar.
COAR-Confederation of Open Access Repositories

COAR is a global repository of open access repositories of more than 150 member and partner libraries, universities, research institutions, government funders, and others.


Aç覺k Eriim Arivleri Konfederasyonu (Confederation of Open Access Repositories-COAR), 150’den fazla üye ve ibirlikçi kütüphanenin, üniversitenin, arat覺rma kurumunun, fon veren devlet kurumlar覺n覺n ve benzerlerini aç覺k eriim arivlerinin küresel arividir.

DergiPark (ULAKBİM)

With the DergiPark Project started by TUBITAK ULAKBIM starting from September 2013, a magazine management system was established in electronic environment to increase the quality and international impact of national academic journals and journal hosting services started to be provided.

DergiPark provides free access to magazines in the fields of Social and Human Sciences, Engineering and Basic Sciences, Health Sciences, Life Sciences, Law and Sports Sciences.


TÜB襤TAK ULAKB襤M taraf覺ndan Eylül 2013 tarihinden itibaren yürütülmeye balanan DergiPark Projesi ile ulusal akademik dergilerin kalitesini ve uluslararas覺 etkisini art覺rmak amac覺yla elektronik ortamda bir dergi yönetim sistemi kurulmu ve dergi bar覺nd覺rma hizmeti verilmeye balanm覺t覺r.

DergiPark ile Sosyal ve Beeri Bilimler, Mühendislik ve Temel Bilimler, Sal覺k Bilimleri, Yaam Bilimleri, Hukuk ve Spor Bilimleri alan覺ndaki dergilere internet üzerinden ücretsiz olarak eriim salanmaktad覺r.
Digital National Security Archive (DNSA)

The collection provides access to primary documents at the center of the foreign and military policy of the USA since 1945, and deals with the most critical events in the world and the policies of countries with military, intelligence, diplomacy and human rights dimensions.

Please click for the LibGuide page.


1945'ten bu yana ABD’nin d覺 ve askeri politikas覺n覺n merkezinde yer alan önemli birincil belgelerden oluan koleksiyon, dünyada yaanan en kritik olaylar覺, ülkelerin politikalar覺n覺 askeri, istihbarat, diplomasi ve insan haklar覺 boyutlar覺 ile ele almaktad覺r.

LibGuide sayfas覺 için lütfen t覺klay覺n.

Duke Journals Scholarly Collection

The Duke Journals Scholarly Collection provides full-text access to Duke University Press journals in humanities and social sciences.


The Duke Journals Scholarly Collection veritaban覺 sosyal ve beeri bilimler alanlar覺ndaki Duke University Press dergilerine tam metin eriim salamaktad覺r.
EconLit with Full Text (EBSCO)

Produced by the American Economic Association, EconLit provides citations and some abstracts to the international literature on economics since 1969. “EconLit covers a broad range of document types published world-wide, including journal articles, books, and dissertations, as well as articles in collective works, such as conference proceedings and collected essay volumes. The database also includes Abstracts of Working Papers in Economics from the Cambridge University Press database, Index of Economic Articles in Journals & Collective Volumes and the full text of the Journal of Economic Literature book reviews. EconLit topics include economic development, forecasting, and history; fiscal theory; monetary theory and financial institutions; business finance; public finance; and international, labour, health care, managerial, demographic, regional, agricultural, and urban economics; country studies, and government regulations.” (from the ECONLit website)


American Economic Association taraf覺ndan gelitirilen EconLit, 1969 y覺l覺ndan günümüze kadar dünyada ekonomi ve ekonominin tarihi, mali teori, para teorisi ve finansal müesseseler, ekonomik gelime, iletme, kamu maliyesi, içi, sal覺k bak覺m覺, ehir ekonomileri, ülke çal覺malar覺 ve resmi yönetmelikleri, bölgeler ve tar覺m ile ilgili makale, tez, kitap, konferans bildirileri, denemelere ait bibliyografik künye ve özetlerini verir. Ayr覺ca, bu veritaban覺 Cambridge University Press’in, Abstracts of Working Papers in Economics, Index of Economic Articles in Journals & Collective Volumes ve Journal of Economic Literature’覺n kitap kritiklerinin tam metinlerini içerir.
Emerald Case Studies
Database will be on trial access until 3 March 2022.
Emerald Case Studies database provides access to international comprehensive case studies with lecture notes for instructors. Subjects cover business, management, economy, science, and related fields.
Teacher notes are only accessible for instructors. To access the teacher notes, instructors should create a profile and send their username to the address.
Note: Please, let us know your opinion about the electronic database we have set up for the trial via “Database Trial Evaluation Form.”


Veritaban覺 3 Mart 2022 tarihine kadar deneme eriimine aç覺k olacakt覺r.
Emerald Case Studies veritaban覺, öretim üyeleri için ders notlar覺n覺 da içeren uluslararas覺 nitelikte geni kapsaml覺 vaka çal覺malar覺na eriim salamaktad覺r. Konular iletme, yönetim, ekonomi, bilim ve benzeri alanlar覺 içermektedir. 
Eitmen notlar覺 sadece öretim üyelerine aç覺kt覺r. Öretim üyeleri, eitmenlere yönelik haz覺rlanan notlara eriim salamak için bir profil oluturmal覺 ve kullan覺c覺 isimlerini adresine bildirmelidirler.
Not: Deneme eriimine aç覺lan veritaban覺 hakk覺ndaki görüünüzü “Deneme Veritaban覺 Deerlendirme Formu” arac覺l覺覺 ile bize iletebilirsiniz.
English Historical Documents
Database will be on trial access until 10 November 2021.
English Historical Documents database provides access to the documents on British history from 500 to 1914. Subjects cover the history of economy, foreign affairs, media and communication, technology, military, social history, medical history etc. 
Note: Please, let us know your opinion about the electronic database we have set up for the trial via “Database Trial Evaluation Form.”


Veritaban覺 10 Kas覺m 2021 tarihine kadar deneme eriimine aç覺k olacakt覺r.
English Historical Documents veritaban覺, 500 ve 1914 y覺llar覺n覺 kapsayacak ekilde Britanya tarihi ile ilgili belgelere eriim salamaktad覺r. Konular ekonomi, d覺 ilikiler, medya ve iletiim, teknoloji, askeri, sosyal, t覺p tarihi ve benzeri alanlar覺 içermektedir.
Not: Deneme eriimine aç覺lan veritaban覺 hakk覺ndaki görüünüzü “Deneme Veritaban覺 Deerlendirme Formu” arac覺l覺覺 ile bize iletebilirsiniz.
Harman (Turkey Academic Archive)

Harman is the national repository of the open archives of universities, public and research institutions in Turkey.


Harman, Türkiye’deki üniversitelerin, kamu ve arat覺rma kurumlar覺n覺n aç覺k arivlerinin ulusal arividir.
International Studies Encyclopedia Online

The International Studies Encyclopedia Online, published by the International Studies Association (ISA), provides full-text access to over 400 peer-reviewed essays in international relations and related subjects.


International Studies Association (ISA) taraf覺ndan yay覺nlanan International Studies Encyclopedia Online, uluslararas覺 ilikiler ve ilgili alanlarda haz覺rlanm覺 400’ün üzerinde hakemli makaleye tam metin eriim salamaktad覺r.

Kezana is an open-access platform that provides access to articles and theses from Turkey.


Kezana, Türkiye’den makale ve tezlere eriim salayan bir aç覺k eriim platformudur.

Krpia Koreanology Studies

Database will be on trial access until 31 December 2024. 

Krpia Koreanology Studies database provides access to e-resources, texts, visual content, complete works, dictionaries about history and culture of Korea.

The interface has both Korean and English language options. 

Note: Please, let us know your opinion about the electronic database we have set up for the trial via “Database Trial Evaluation Form.”


Veritaban覺 31 Aral覺k 2024 tarihine kadar deneme eriimine aç覺k olacakt覺r.

Krpia Koreanology Studies veritaban覺, Kore tarihi ve kültürüyle ilgili e-kaynaklara, metinlere, görsel içerie, külliyatlara ve sözlüklere eriim salar.

Arayüz Korece ve 襤ngilizce dil seçeneklerine sahiptir.

Not: Deneme eriimine aç覺lan veritaban覺 hakk覺ndaki görüünüzü “Deneme Veritaban覺 Deerlendirme Formu” arac覺l覺覺 ile bize iletebilirsiniz.

Military Big Data

Military Big Data provides detailed information about the defense industry. The database provides access to reports, analysis, and inventory information on land, naval and aerial platforms of many countries.

Note: After clicking 'Login' at the top right of the screen, you can accept the privacy agreement and log in by clicking 'IP Login'.


Military Big Data, savunma sanayi konusunda ayr覺nt覺l覺 bilgi veren bir veritaban覺d覺r. Veritaban覺; birçok ülkenin kara, deniz ve hava platformlar覺na yönelik raporlara, analizlere ve envanter bilgisine eriim salamaktad覺r.

Not: Ekran覺n sa üst k覺sm覺nda yer alan 'Login'e t覺klad覺ktan sonra gizlilik sözlemesini kabul edip 'IP Login' seçeneine t覺klayarak giri yapabilirsiniz.

Newspaper Source Plus

Newspaper Source Plus provides a full-text digital collection of the world’s major news content. It includes millions of articles from newspapers, newswires and news magazines. In addition, it offers television and radio transcripts and ongoing daily updates from popular news sources.


Newspaper Source Plus içinde 860 tam metin gazeteden 35 milyondan fazla makaleyi bar覺nd覺rman覺n yan覺 s覺ra; 800.000’den fazla televizyon ve radyo haberinin transkriptine eriim salamaktad覺r.

OAISter is a freely accessible repository containing over 25 million records from all disciplines and subjects contributed by over 1,000 libraries, archives, and repositories.


OAISter, 1000’den fazla kütüphane, ariv ve kurumsal arivin katk覺da bulunduu, tüm disiplinlerden ve konulardan 25 milyondan fazla kay覺t içeren, ücretsiz eriilebilen bir arivdir.

OpenAIRE is a European open science infrastructure providing a network of open access repositories, archives, and journals that support OA policies.


OpenAIRE, AE politikalar覺n覺 destekleyen Aç覺k Eriim bilgi havuzlar覺, arivler ve dergiler a覺 salayan bir Avrupa aç覺k bilim oluumudur / altyap覺s覺d覺r.


EBSCO Open Dissertations now includes the content from American Doctoral Dissertations. It is a free database with records for more than 1.2 million electronic theses and dissertations from around the world.


Aç覺k eriim bir veritaban覺 olan OpenDissertations, birçok konuda arat覺rmac覺lara hem geçmi hem de günümüz tez çal覺malar覺na eriim imkan覺 salamaktad覺r.
Oxford Research Encyclopedias

The Oxford Research Encyclopedias offer long-form overview articles written, peer-reviewed, and edited by leading scholars. Each of the twenty-five distinct encyclopedias cover both foundational and cutting-edge topics in order to develop, over time, an anchoring knowledge base for major areas of research across the humanities, social sciences, and sciences.


Oxford Research Encyclopedias, önde gelen akademisyenler taraf覺ndan yaz覺lan, hakem taraf覺ndan gözden geçirilen ve düzenlenen makaleleri sunar. Yirmi be farkl覺 ansiklopedinin her biri, zaman içinde beeri bilimler, sosyal bilimler ve fen bilimlerindeki ana arat覺rma alanlar覺 için bir sabitleyici bilgi taban覺 gelitirmek için hem temel hem de en yeni konular覺 kapsar.
Oxford University Press Journals Online

Oxford Journals Oxford Journals is a division of Oxford University Press. Oxford University Press publishes well over 350 academic and research journals covering a broad range of subject areas; science, technical, professional, medical, humanities, arts, and social science disciplines.

Bilkent University Library has a "read and publish" agreement with Oxford University Press. For the detailed information, please click here.


Oxford University Press, dünyadaki seçkin dergi yay覺nc覺lar覺ndan birisidir. Bu veritaban覺; arkeoloji, biyoloji, tarih, dil, hukuk ve t覺p konular覺ndaki dergilere tam metin eriim salar.

Bilkent Üniversitesi Kütüphanesi'nin Oxford University Press ile "oku ve yay覺mla" anlamas覺 bulunmaktad覺r. Detayl覺 bilgi için lütfen t覺klay覺n覺z

Palgrave Macmillan Journals

The Palgrave Macmillan Journals database provides access to journals in humanities, social sciences, business, and related subjects.


Palgrave Macmillan Journals, sosyal bilimler, beeri bilimler, iletme ve ilgili konularda yay覺nlanm覺 dergilere eriim salamaktad覺r.
Periodicals Archive Online

Periodicals Archive Online is a full-text database covering the arts, humanities and social sciences. It contains over 500 journals from 1770 until the 1995, and provides full-text access to over 12 million articles in the fields of history, literature, philosophy, religion, theology, archaeology, fine arts, and psychology.


Periodicals Archive Online, sanat, sosyal ve beeri bilimler alaninda 1770-1995 y覺llar覺n覺 kapsayan tam metin bir veritaban覺d覺r. 500 den fazla dergiyi kapsayan Periodicals Archive Online veritaban覺, tarih, edebiyat,felsefe, din, arkeoloji, güzel sanatlar, psikoloji ve ilgili konularda 12 milyondan fazla makaleye tam metin eriim salamaktad覺r.
Press Reader (Digital Newspaper & Magazine)

Press Reader provides access to nearly two thousand newspapers around the world in many different languages and their archives of the last 60 days. In addition to these, Press Reader includes a variety of journals in the fields of art, entertainment, family, fashion, vacation, history, sports, travel and culture, music, automotive, and health. 

To use Press Reader via the mobile app, please visit

PressReader hotspot access allows you to access PressReader without connecting to the WiFi institutional network. After access with a VPN, you can use this application for 7 days without a VPN connection.


Press Reader dünya genelinde, birçok farkl覺 dilde, yakla覺k iki bin gazeteye ve bu gazetelerin son 60 günlük arivlerine eriim salamas覺n覺n yan覺 s覺ra; sanat, elence, aile, moda, tatil, tarih, spor, seyahat ve kültür, müzik, otomotiv, sal覺k gibi çeitli konularda dergileri içermektedir.

Press Reader'覺 mobil uygulama üzerinden kullanmak için lütfen u adresi ziyaret ediniz: 

PressReader eriim noktas覺, kurumsal WiFi a覺na balanmadan da PressReader'a erimenizi salar. VPN ile eriim salad覺ktan sonra, bu uygulamay覺 7 gün boyunca VPN balant覺s覺 olmadan da kullanabilirsiniz.
Project Muse

Project Muse provides full-text access to 389 scholarly journals in the humanities, arts and social sciences.


Project Muse veritaban覺; insani bilimler, sanat ve sosyal bilimler alan覺nda yay覺nlanm覺 389 dergiye tam metin eriim salamaktad覺r.
Proquest Dissertations and Theses

Provides access to citations and full text for doctoral dissertations and master’s theses. Includes citations for dissertations published from 1980 forward as well as 350-word abstracts written by the author. Citations for master’s theses from 1988 forward include 150-word abstracts.


Doktora ve master tezlerinin künyelerine ve tam metinlerine eriim salar. 1980 y覺l覺ndan sonra bas覺lan tezlerin hem künyelerini hem de yazarlar覺 taraf覺ndan yaz覺lan 350 kelimelik özetlerini içerir. 1988 y覺l覺ndan sonraki master tezleri ise 150 kelimelik özet içermektedir.
SAGE Journals Online
SAGE Journals Online database includes more than 1,000 journals in the fields of business, humanities, social sciences, science, technology and medicine.


SAGE Journals Online veritaban覺 iletme, beeri bilimler, sosyal bilimler, fen bilimleri, teknoloji ve t覺p gibi birçok alanda 1.000’den fazla dergi içermektedir.
SAGE Research Methods

SAGE Research Methods database provides access to more than 750 books, journal articles, reference resources, and instructional videos in the field of research methods.


SAGE Research Methods veritaban覺, arat覺rma yöntem ve teknikleri alan覺nda haz覺rlanm覺 750’den fazla kitap, makale, referans kayna覺 ve eitim videolar覺na eriim salamaktad覺r.
Taylor and Francis Online Journals

Taylor and Francis Online Journals is the service from Taylor and Francis Publishing. It holds full-text articles of over 1,200 journals from 1997 to the present. The subjects covered range across health science, life and physical sciences, technology, medicine, to arts and humanities, social sciences, business, and education.


Taylor and Francis Online Journals, Taylor and Francis Yay覺nevinin 1,200’den fazla dergisine 1997 y覺l覺ndan günümüze, tam metin eriim imkan覺 salayan bir veritaban覺d覺r. Sal覺k bilimleri, yaam ve tabiat bilimleri, teknoloji, t覺p, sanat ve insani bilimler, sosyal bilimler, iletme ve eitim konular覺n覺 kapsamaktad覺r.
TR Dizin

ULAKBIM Turkish National Databases, produced by the Turkish Academic Network and Information Center (ULAKBIM), is a valuable multidisciplinary resource of exceptional scope. Turkish Engineering and Basic Sciences Database provides extensive coverage of Engineering, and Basic and Applied Sciences. Turkish Life Sciences Database focuses on Agricultural, Biological, and Veterinary Sciences. Turkish Medical Database covers research articles in Health Sciences, including Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmaceutics, and Nursing. Turkish Social Sciences Database explores all major fields related to human society from Anthropology, Economics, and History to International Development, Linguistics, and Political Science. Bilingual abstracts and descriptors (Turkish and English) make all four databases readily accessible to researchers in Turkey and around the world.


TR Dizin veritaban覺 sayesinde ULAKB襤M (ULUSAL Akademik A ve Bilgi Merkezi) taraf覺ndan salanan ve mühendislik, uygulamal覺 bilimler; tar覺m, biyoloji, sal覺k bilimleri, ilaç; antropoloji, ekonomi, tarih, politika, dil bilimi gibi çeitli alanlardan kaybaklar覺 içeren Turkish Engineering and Basic Sciences, Turkish Life Sciences, Turkish Medical, Turkish Social Sciences veritabanlar覺na eriim salanmaktad覺r.
University of Chicago Press Journals

The University of Chicago Press Journals database provides access to online journals in various fields such as art and art history, education, economics, humanities, law and politics, medieval and renaissance studies, science.


The University of Chicago Press Journals veritaban覺 sanat ve sanat tarihi, eitim, beeri bilimler, hukuk ve politika, orta ça ve rönesans çal覺malar覺 ile bilim gibi birçok farkl覺 alandaki online dergiye eriim salamaktad覺r.

Wikilala is a database that provides access to the printed documents, newspapers, journals, and books in Ottoman Turkish, and enables to make the research with the Latin characters within the database.

NOTE: If you already have an account and do not remember your password, you can use ‘’forgot my password’’ option to create a new password.
Introductory Video

Please use your Bilkent extension e-mail addresses to register and create a password.


Osmanl覺 Türkçesi bas覺l覺 belge, gazete, dergi ve kitaplara eriim salayan bir veritaban覺 olan Wikilala, veritaban覺 içerisinde Latin harfleri ile arama yapmaya olanak salamaktad覺r.

NOT: Daha önce bir hesap oluturduysan覺z ve ifrenizi hat覺rlam覺yorsan覺z, ‘’ifremi unuttum’’ seçeneini kullanarak yeni bir ifre oluturabilirsiniz.
Tan覺t覺m Videosu

Kay覺t yapmak ve ifre oluturmak için lütfen Bilkent uzant覺l覺 e-posta adresinizi kullan覺n覺z.

Wiley Digital Archives

Wiley Digital Archives database provides access to the primary archive sources such as manuscripts, photographs, monographs and maps from the collections of New York Academy of Sciences, Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, Royal College of Physicians, Royal Geographical Society (with IBG), and British Association for the Advancement of Science.

New York Academy of Sciences
The collection focuses on environmental history, pollution, human rights, public health and ethics, and the history of science, medicine in North America from 1803 to 2013. It contains manuscripts, correspondence, reports, conference papers, proceedings, maps, surveys, data and ephemera.

Royal Anthropological Institute
The collection covers the history of cultural, biological, medical and visual anthropology, colonialism, social sciences, and humanities across the globe from 1763 to 2016. It contains over 150,000 maps and charts, ethnographic photographs, manuscripts, correspondence, reports, conference papers, proceedings, maps, surveys, fieldnotes, drawings, data and ephemera.

The Royal College of Physicians
The collection covers the history of medicine, medical humanities, medicine and culture, religion, and government, the establishment of public health systems, and the policies governing medical education and practice from 1205 to 1980. It contains monographs, rare books, manuscripts, correspondence, reports, conference papers, medical reports, medical education textbooks, proceedings, anatomical drawings, public health surveys, drawings.

Royal Geographical Society
The collection covers the history of geography exploration, colonization and de-colonization, anthropology, law, climate science, gender studies, cartography, and environmental history throughout the British Empire from 1478 to 1953. It contains manuscripts, correspondence, reports, conference papers, proceedings, maps, charts, atlases, photographs, surveys.

British Association for the Advancement of Science
The collection covers the subjects of astronomy, biology, technology, industrial design, chemistry, engineering, mathematics, agriculture, meteorology, physics, and history of science. It contains administrative records, correspondence, illustrations, manuscripts, photographs, prototypes, clippings, personal papers.

Wiley Digital Archives veritaban覺, New York Academy of Sciences, Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, Royal College of Physicians, Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) ve British Association for the Advancement of Science koleksiyonlar覺n覺 kapsayacak ekilde el yazmalar覺, fotoraflar, monograflar ve haritalar gibi birincil el ariv kaynaklar覺na eriim salamaktad覺r.

New York Academy of Sciences
Koleksiyon, 1803'ten 2013'e kadar Kuzey Amerika'da çevre tarihi, kirlilik, insan haklar覺, halk sal覺覺 ve etii, bilim tarihi ve t覺p konular覺na odaklanana el yazmalar覺, yaz覺malar, raporlar, konferans bildirileri, haritalar, anketler, veriler ve efemeralar içerir.

Royal Anthropological Institute
Koleksiyon, 1763'ten 2016'ya kadar dünya genelinde kültürel, biyolojik, t覺bbi ve görsel antropoloji, sömürgecilik, sosyal bilimler ve beeri bilimlerin tarihini kapsayan 150.000'den fazla harita ve çizelge, etnografik fotoraf, el yazmas覺, yaz覺ma, rapor, konferans bildirisi, tutanaklar, haritalar, anketler, alan notlar覺, çizimler, veriler ve efemeralara eriim salamaktad覺r.

The Royal College of Physicians
Koleksiyon, t覺p tarihi, t覺bbi beeri bilimler, t覺p ve kültür, din ve hükümet, halk sal覺覺 sistemlerinin kurulmas覺 ve 1205'ten 1980'e kadar t覺p eitimi ve uygulamas覺n覺 yöneten politikalar覺 kapsayan raporlar, konferans bildirileri, t覺bbi raporlar, t覺p eitimi ders kitaplar覺, tutanaklar, anatomik çizimler, halk sal覺覺 arat覺rmalar覺 ve çizimlere eriim salar.

Royal Geographical Society
Koleksiyon, 1478'den 1953'e kadar Britanya 襤mparatorluu genelinde corafya arat覺rmas覺, kolonizasyon ve dekolonizasyon, antropoloji, hukuk, iklim bilimi, toplumsal cinsiyet çal覺malar覺, haritac覺l覺k ve çevre tarihinin tarihini kapsayan el yazmalar覺, yaz覺malar, raporlar, bildiriler, haritalar, çizelgeler, atlaslar ve fotoraflara eriim salar.

British Association for the Advancement of Science
Koleksiyon astronomi, biyoloji, teknoloji, endüstriyel tasar覺m, kimya, mühendislik, matematik, tar覺m, meteoroloji, fizik ve bilim tarihi konular覺n覺 kapsayan idari kay覺tlar覺, yaz覺malar覺, illüstrasyonlar覺, el yazmalar覺n覺, fotoraflar覺, prototipleri, kupürleri, kiisel belgeleri içerir.
Wiley Online Library

Wiley Online Library is the online content service from John Wiley & Sons, Inc., delivering the full text of over 300 scientific, technical, medical, and professional journals.


Wiley Online Library teknik, t覺p ve bilimsel konularda 300’ün üzerinde mesleki dergi makalelerinin tam metinlerine eriim salayan online bir veritaban覺d覺r. Bu veritaban覺 ANKOS Kütüphane Konsorsiyumu arac覺l覺覺yla sat覺n al覺nm覺t覺r.
World Scientific Textbooks

World Scientific Textbooks Collection; includes more than 1.600 textbooks in the fields of business and economics, chemistry, materials science, nanotechnology, computer science, engineering, environmental science, general and popular science, life sciences, mathematics, medicine and healthcare, physics, nonlinear science, social sciences, and Asian studies.

NOTE: Textbooks only have the view option; download options are not available.  


World Scientific Ders Kitaplar覺 Koleksiyonu; bilgisayar bilimi, fizik, dorusal olmayan bilim, genel ve popular bilimler, matematik, iletme ve ekonomi, kimya, materyal bilimi, nanoteknoloji, mühendislik, sosyal bilimer ve Asya çal覺malar覺, t覺p ve sal覺k, yaam bilimleri alanlar覺nda 1.600’den fazla ders kitab覺n覺 içermektedir.

NOT: Ders kitaplar覺 sadece görüntüleme seçeneine sahiptir; indirme seçenekleri mevcut deildir.



Das Bundesarchiv

The “Das Bundesarchiv” enables access to the digitized fonds of the Federal Archive.


“Das Bundesarchiv”, Federal Arivi’nin dijitalletirilmi yaz覺l覺 kaynaklar覺na eriim salar.
Gravür Dünyası

Gravür Dünyas覺 includes gravures and maps up to the 1850s from the Ottoman Empire to Europe, South America to Asia, Oceania, and Africa, on the art, history, social life, cultures, country topographies, cityscapes, and architecture of societies living in various parts of the world.


Gravür Dünyas覺, Osmanl覺 襤mparatorluu’ndan Avrupa’ya, Güney Amerika’dan Asya, Okyanusya ve Afrika’ya kadar dünyan覺n birçok bölgesinde yaayan toplumlar覺n sanat覺, tarihi, sosyal hayat覺, kültürleri, ülke topografileri, ehir manzaralar覺, mimarileri hakk覺nda, 1850’li y覺llara kadar olan gravürleri ve haritalar覺 içermektedir.  


British Periodicals

British Periodicals database provides access to documents published in hundreds of British periodical publications dating from the 17th through the early 20th centuries. Subjects covered include; science, popular culture, literary journalism, essays and belles-lettres, illustrated periodicals, literary criticism, political satire, fine arts, religion, sport.


British Periodicals veritaban覺 17. yüzy覺ldan 20. yüzy覺la kadar uzanan Britanya süreli yay覺nlar覺nda yer alan belgelere eriim imkan覺 salamaktad覺r. Yay覺nlar; bilim, popüler kültür, edebi gazetecilik, makaleler ve edebi eserler, resimli dergiler, edebi eletiri, siyasi hiciv, güzel sanatlar, din ve spor gibi çeitli konular içermektedir.

The COnnecting REpositories (CORE) aggregates all open access research outputs from repositories and journals worldwide and makes them available to the public.


CORE (COnnecting REpositories) dünya çap覺nda arivlerden ve dergilerden tüm aç覺k eriimli arat覺rma ç覺kt覺lar覺n覺 toplar ve bunlar覺 kamuya sunar.
DOAJ-Directory of Open Access Journals

The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) is a pan-disciplinary resource that allows users to identify and search free, full text, quality controlled open-access scientific and scholarly journals.


Aç覺k Eriim Dergileri Dizini (Directory of Open Access Journals-DOAJ), kullan覺c覺lar覺n ücretsiz, tam metin, kalite kontrolü gerçeklemi aç覺k eriimli bilimsel ve ilmi dergileri belirlemesini ve aramas覺n覺 salayan pan-disiplinli bir kaynakt覺r.
Edinburgh University Press Journals

Database will be on trial access until 23 March 2022.

Edinburgh University Press Journals provides access to journals that cover the subjects of archaeology, architecture, botany, film, media and cultural studies, history, language and linguistics, law, politics etc.

NOTE: Please, let us know your opinion about the electronic database we have set up for the trial via
Database Trial Evaluation Form.” 


Veritaban覺 23 Mart 2022 tarihine kadar deneme eriimine aç覺k olacakt覺r.
Edinburgh University Press Journals, arkeoloji, mimarl覺k, botanik, film, medya ve kültürel çal覺malar, tarih, dil ve linguistik, hukuk, politika gibi konularda dergilere eriim salamaktad覺r.

NOT: Deneme eriimine aç覺lan veritaban覺 hakk覺ndaki görüünüzü “Deneme Veritaban覺 Deerlendirme Formu” arac覺l覺覺 ile bize iletebilirsiniz.


Database will be on trial access until 31 January 2024.

Muteferriqa is a database that offers a wide range of exploration possibilities, including full-text search, within thousands of digitized Ottoman Turkish printed books and periodicals.

The database is not suitable for mobile use.

Note: Please, let us know your opinion about the electronic database we have set up for the trial via “Database Trial Evaluation Form.”


Veritaban覺 31 Ocak 2024 tarihine kadar deneme eriimine aç覺k olacakt覺r.
Muteferriqa dijitalletirilmi binlerce Osmanl覺 Türkçesi matbu kitap ve süreli yay覺n içerisinde tam metin arama dâhil çok yönlü keif olanaklar覺 sunan bir veritaban覺d覺r. 
Veritaban覺 mobil kullan覺m için uygun deildir.

Not: Deneme eriimine aç覺lan veritaban覺 hakk覺ndaki görüünüzü “Deneme Veritaban覺 Deerlendirme Formu” arac覺l覺覺 ile bize iletebilirsiniz. 
OpenEdition Journals
ENG: Database will be on trial access until 14 January 2022. 

Trial access includes some e-journals in the fields of humanities and social sciences.

Note: Please, let us know your opinion about the electronic database we have set up for the trial via “Database Trial Evaluation Form.”

TR: Veritaban覺 14 Ocak 2022 tarihine kadar deneme eriimine aç覺k olacakt覺r.

Deneme eriimi sanat ve beeri bilimler alan覺ndaki e-kitaplar覺 içermektedir.

Not: Deneme eriimine aç覺lan veritaban覺 hakk覺ndaki görüünüzü “Deneme Veritaban覺 Deerlendirme Formu” arac覺l覺覺 ile bize iletebilirsiniz.

SpringerLink Electronic Journals

Provides access to the electronic versions of the Springer publications subscribed to by the library. The subjects covered include Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics and the Social Sciences.


Kütüphane taraf覺ndan abone olunan Springer yay覺nlar覺n elektronik versiyonlar覺na eriim salar. Kimya, Bilgisayar Bilimleri, Matematik, Fizik ve Sosyal Bilimler gibi konular覺 kapsar.


Cumhuriyet Newspaper

Provides access to the all contents of Cumhuriyet from the 1930s until today.

For mobile apps on App Store and Google Play


Cumhuriyet Gazetesi’nin 1930 y覺l覺ndan günümüze kadar olan tüm içeriine eriim salanabilmektedir.

Mobil uygulama için App Store ve Google Play 

Dünya Newspaper

Provides access to all content of Dünya Newspaper from 12.11.2012 until today.

For mobile apps on App Store and Google Play


Dünya Gazetesi’nin 12.11.2012 tarihinden günümüze kadar olan tüm içeriine eriim salanabilmektedir.

Mobil uygulama için App Store ve Google Play 

The Economist is a British weekly newspaper that includes worldwide news, analysis, and information on current affairs, international business, politics, technology, sports, and culture.

Please use your Bilkent e-mail address to register and log in. After registration, a verification link will be sent to your e-mail address.


The Economist, güncel olaylar, uluslararas覺 ticaret, politika, teknoloji, spor ve kültür hakk覺nda dünya çap覺nda haberler, analizler ve bilgiler içeren haftal覺k bir 襤ngiliz gazetesidir.

Kay覺t olmak ve giri yapmak için lütfen Bilkent e-posta adresinizi kullan覺n. Kay覺t olduktan sonra e-posta adresinize dorulama linki gönderilecektir. Collection Library Edition is an extensive database that provides online access to 4,000+ historical newspapers. Dating from the early 1700s into the 2000s, Library Edition contains full runs and portions of runs of well-known, regional, and state titles to small local newspapers in the United States and other countries.


1700’lü y覺llar覺n ba覺ndan 2000’li y覺llara kadar uzanan World Collection, ABD ve dier ülkelerdeki küçük yerel gazetelere tan覺nm覺, bölgesel ve eyalet bal覺klar覺n覺n tam yay覺nlar覺n覺 ve bölümlerini içerir.
ProQuest Historical Newspapers

The ProQuest Historical Newspapers database provides digital access to the archives of many published newspapers.


The ProQuest Historical Newspapers veritaban覺, yay覺mlanm覺 olan birçok gazetenin arivine dijital olarak erime imkan覺 salamaktad覺r.
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: U.S. Major Dailies

This historical newspaper collection provides first-hand accounts information of the politics, society, and events of the time to genealogists, researchers, and scholars.


Bu tarihi gazete koleksiyonu, soy bilimcilere, arat覺rmac覺lara, incelenen dönemin politikas覺, toplumu ve olaylar覺 hakk覺nda birinci a覺zdan bilgiler sunmaktad覺r.

Research and Learning Tools

Essential Science Indicators (ESI)

Essential Science Indicators (ESI) is an analytical tool that allows to identify and evaluating performance of researchers, institutions, outcomes, and research fields.


Analitik bir araç olan Essential Science Indicators (ESI), arat覺rmac覺lar覺n, kurumlar覺n, ç覺kt覺lar覺n ve arat覺rma alanlar覺n覺n performanslar覺n覺 belirlemeye ve deerlendirmeye olanak salar.

iThenticate (Plagiarism Detection Service)

iThenticate compares scholarly papers with a vast database of more than 20 billion web pages and over 116 million articles, papers, and reviews from leading academic journals, proceedings, and abstracts, and calculates the percentage of similarity. It is therefore a useful way of checking your work prior to submission for publication.

According to the license agreement; The iThenticate database can only be used by faculty members with a doctoral degree or above.

NOTE: Academic staff who wants to use this tool are required to send an e-mail to from their e-mail addresses with Bilkent extension.


iThenticate program覺, akademisyenlerin, editörlerin ve hakemlerin; makale ve draftlar覺n覺 milyonlarca web sayfas覺 ve veritabanlar覺 ile kar覺lat覺rarak benzerlik analizlerinin yap覺lmas覺n覺 salamaktad覺r.

襤mzalanan lisans anlamas覺 gereince; iThenticate program覺 sadece doktora derecesi ve üzerinde akademik yetkinlie sahip öretim üyeleri taraf覺ndan kullan覺labilmektedir.

NOT: Program覺 kullanmak isteyen akademisyenlerin Bilkent uzant覺l覺 e-posta adreslerinden; adresine e-posta göndermesi gerekmektedir.
Mendeley (Reference Management Software)

Mendeley Institutional Edition is a reference manager tool and academic, social network that can help researchers organize their researchers, collaborate with others online, and discover the latest research for academic institutions. Mendeley is both a desktop application and a web-based application. To begin, click the “join this group” button on the Bilkent University Mendeley Group page. Bilkent University Mendeley Group account offers students, faculty, staff, and researchers 100 GB of storage and the ability to create unlimited private groups with up to 100 users per group.

Mendeley Downloads:

Reference Manager
Web Importer
Citation Plug-in
Mendeley installers

Will Mendeley Desktop stop working on September 01, 2022? 
Why does Mendeley Cite not appear in the 'References' tab in Word?


Mendeley Institutional Edition, arat覺rmac覺lar覺n arat覺rmalar覺n覺 yönetmelerine ve gelitirmelerine, dier arat覺rmac覺lar ile çevrimiçi ibirlii yapabilmelerine ve yap覺lm覺 olan son arat覺rmalar覺 kefetmelerine yard覺mc覺 olurken, bir kaynakça yönetim arac覺 ve akademik sosyal a hizmetini kurumlara yönelik sunan bir araçt覺r.

Mendeley Instituational Edition kurumsal kullan覺ma sahip olman覺z için web adresinden “create free account” balant覺s覺na t覺klayarak Bilkent uzant覺l覺 mail adresiniz ile kay覺t olup;
Bilkent Üniversitesi Kurumsal Grubu sayfas覺ndaki “join this group” butonuna t覺klaman覺z gerekmektedir. Böylece 100 GB kiisel depolama alan覺, s覺n覺rs覺z kapal覺 grup kurma özellii, gruplarda 100 kiiye kadar üyelik
imkanlar覺ndan faydalanabilirsiniz.

Database will be on trial access until 23 August 2024.

Pivot-RP is a database that provides access to information about many sources of academic information, such as research funds, scholarships and awards. Researchers can use these resources to explore funding opportunities and manage application processes for the projects they carry out.

To register, you should create an account with your Bilkent e-mail address. After registration, you can complete your account creation by using the confirmation link sent to your e-mail address.

Additionally, via the Pivot-RP database you can also access the Research Professional News platform, which offers the ability to research UK-wide and many international funding opportunities. After clicking the News tab on the Pivot-RP homepage, you can access this content with the Pivot-RP account you created.

Note: Please, let us know your opinion about the electronic database we have set up for the trial via “Database Trial Evaluation Form.”


Veritaban覺 23 Austos 2024 tarihine kadar deneme eriimine aç覺k olacakt覺r.

Pivot-RP, arat覺rma fonlar覺, burslar ve ödüller gibi birçok akademik finansman kayna覺na yönelik bilgilere eriim salayan bir araçt覺r. Arat覺rmac覺lar, yürüttükleri projeler için bu kaynaklar覺 kullanarak finansman olanaklar覺n覺 kefedebilir ve bavuru süreçlerini yönetebilir.

Kaydolmak için Bilkent uzant覺l覺 e-posta adresiniz ile hesap oluturman覺z gerekmektedir. Kay覺t ileminden sonra e-posta adresinize gelen onay balant覺s覺n覺 kullanarak hesap oluturma ileminizi tamamlayabilirsiniz.

Ek olarak, Pivot-RP arac覺n覺 kullanarak Birleik Krall覺k çap覺nda ve pek çok uluslararas覺 fon f覺rsat覺 hakk覺nda arat覺rma yapma olana覺 sunan Research Professional News platformuna da eriim salayabilirsiniz. Pivot-RP anasayfas覺nda yer alan News sekmesine t覺klad覺ktan sonra oluturmu olduunuz Pivot-RP hesab覺n覺z ile bu içerie eriim salayabilirsiniz.

Not: Deneme eriimine aç覺lan veritaban覺 hakk覺ndaki görüünüzü “Deneme Veritaban覺 Deerlendirme Formu” arac覺l覺覺 ile bize iletebilirsiniz.

Turnitin is a web-based software that provides service to detect similarities. By loading assignments, thesis, reports, and projects of their students; faculty members can make in comparison to millions of assignments that previously submitted to the Turnitin; archival or current websites, journal articles, and electronic books from the commercial databases.

About Plagiarism

NOTE: Academic staff who wants to use this tool are required to send an e-mail to from their e-mail addresses with Bilkent extension.


Turnitin benzerlik tespit hizmeti veren web tabanl覺 bir yaz覺l覺md覺r. Öretim üyeleri, örencilerinin ödevlerini, tezlerini, raporlar覺n覺 ve projelerini Turnitin web sitesine aktararak; daha önce Turnitin’e aktar覺lm覺 olan milyonlarca ödevden, internette ariv veya güncel olan web sayfalar覺ndan, ticari elektronik veritabanlar覺nda yer alan dergi makalelerinden ve elektronik kitaplardan kar覺lat覺rma yapabilirler.

NOT: Bu arac覺 kullanmak isteyen akademik personelin Bilkent uzant覺l覺 e-posta adreslerinden adresine e-posta göndermesi gerekmektedir.


Book Review Digest

Database will be on trial access until 31 October 2024.

Book Review Digest is a database that provides access to book reviews on a wide range of topics from a variety of sources.

Note: Please, let us know your opinion about the electronic database we have set up for the trial via “Database Trial Evaluation Form.”


Veritaban覺 31 Ekim 2024 tarihine kadar deneme eriimine aç覺k olacakt覺r.
Book Review Digest, farkl覺 kaynaklardan çok çeitli konulardaki kitap incelemelerine eriim salayan bir veritaban覺d覺r.

Not: Deneme eriimine aç覺lan veritaban覺 hakk覺ndaki görüünüzü “Deneme Veritaban覺 Deerlendirme Formu” arac覺l覺覺 ile bize iletebilirsiniz.



Bloomberg (Only Available in A. Block 1st Floor Reading Room)

Bloomberg provides access to current and historical financial data, economic indicators, company profiles, industry and market news. There are 2 Bloomberg terminals in the library. You can only access the Bloomberg database at dedicated terminals in the A. Block 1st Floor Reading Room (PN Books/Current Periodical Room), and B. Block Multimedia Room of Main Campus Library during opening hours.

For detailed information and appointment, you can contact +90 312 290 12 98  or

Getting Started: To use the database for the first time, create a Bloomberg account with your institutional e-mail address. Bloomberg will send you a confirmation code by e-mail or SMS. Enter your verification code that you received. Choose a login name and password.

Help Button: Press the Green Help Button (F1) once for page-specific support, and press twice to get support from a Bloomberg operative.

Bloomberg Turkey Phone: +90 212 317 39 00

Guide for users: 


Bloomberg, güncel ve geriye dönük finansal verilere, ekonomik göstergelere, irket profillerine, endüstri ve pazar haberlerine eriim salamaktad覺r. Kütüphanede 2 adet Bloomberg terminali bulunmaktad覺r. Bu veritaban覺na, çal覺ma saatleri içinde, Merkez Kampüs Kütüphanesi A. Blok 1. Kat Okuma Salonu (PN Kitaplar覺/Süreli Yay覺nlar Salonu) ile B. Blok Multimedia Odas覺'nda yer alan bilgisayarlar覺 kullanarak eriim salayabilirsiniz.

Detayl覺 bilgi ve randevu için +90 312 290 12 98 numaral覺 telefon veya adresi ile iletiime geçebilirsiniz. 

Balang覺ç: Veritaban覺n覺 ilk defa kullanmak için, kurumsal e-posta adresiniz ile Bloomberg hesab覺 oluturun. Bloomberg size e-posta veya SMS ile bir onay kodu gönderecektir. Gelen dorulama kodunu giriniz. Bir kullan覺c覺 ad覺 ve ifre belirleyerek hesab覺n覺z覺 oluturunuz.

Yard覺m Butonu: Sayfaya özel destek için Yeil Yard覺m Butonuna (F1) bir kez bas覺n; Bloomberg çal覺an覺ndan destek almak için iki kez bas覺n.

Bloomberg Türkiye Telefon: +90 212 317 39 00

Kullan覺c覺lar için rehber: 


Compustat is a database containing financial, statistical and market information on active and passive global companies worldwide. This database offers products for institutional investors, universities, bankers, advisors, analysts and asset/portfolio managers in the securities, equity and fixed income markets.

You can access the Compustat database via WRDS.

NOTE: To use WRDS, please register for a WRDS account with your institutional e-mail address.

The following instructions will guide you in obtaining your WRDS account.

Step 1: Go to
Step 2:  Select the Register tab
Step 3:  Complete the Account Request form selecting ‘Bilkent University’
Step 4: Once you submit an Account Request, an email will be sent to your WRDS Representatives.
Step 5: After receiving approval, an account will be created and you will receive an e-mail message with a special URL and instructions for setting the account password and logging into WRDS.
Step 6: The user logs into the WRDS platform with the account information that created and can start using the platform after reviewing and approving the terms of use.

For further information please go to the link.


Compustat, dünya çap覺nda aktif ve pasif küresel irketlerle ilgili finansal, istatistiksel ve piyasa bilgileri içeren bir veritaban覺d覺r. Bu veritaban覺, menkul k覺ymetler, öz sermaye ve sabit gelir piyasalar覺ndaki kurumsal yat覺r覺mc覺lara, üniversitelere, bankac覺lara, dan覺manlara, analistlere ve varl覺k/portföy yöneticilerine yönelik ürünler sunmaktad覺r.

Compustat veritaban覺na WRDS arac覺l覺覺 ile eriim salayabilirsiniz.

NOT: WRDS’yi kullanmak için lütfen kurumsal e-posta adresinizle bir WRDS hesab覺na kaydolun.

Aa覺daki ad覺mlar WRDS hesab覺 oluturman覺zda size yol gösterecektir.

1. Ad覺m:  adresine gidin.
2. Ad覺m: “Register” butonuna t覺klay覺n覺z.
3. Ad覺m: ‘Bilkent Üniversitesi’ni seçerek hesap talebi formunu
4. Ad覺m: Hesap istei gönderdikten sonra, WRDS temsilcilerinize bir e-posta gönderilir.
5. Ad覺m: Temsilcilere gelen hesap talebi onayland覺ktan sonra, hesap talebinde bulunan kullan覺c覺 için bir hesap oluturulur ve kullan覺c覺ya, hesap giri ifrelerini oluturmas覺 için bir link içeren e-posta ile bilgilendirme mesaj覺 iletilir.
6. Ad覺m: Kullan覺c覺 oluturduu hesap bilgileri ile WRDS platformuna giri yapar ve kullan覺m koullar覺n覺 inceleyip onaylad覺ktan sonra platformu kullanmaya balayabilir.

Daha fazla bilgi için lütfen t覺klay覺n覺z.
Economist Intelligence Unit Viewpoint (EIU)

The Economist Intelligence Unit Viewpoint (EIU) provides access to research, analyses, data, daily insights, monthly country reports, five-year country economic forecasts, country risk service reports, and industry reports in various fields, such as policy, energy, commodities, healthcare, automotive, consumer goods, telecommunications and more.  

To access tutorial videos please click here.


The Economist Intelligence Unit Viewpoint (EIU), politika, enerji, ham made, sal覺k hizmetleri, otomotiv, tüketim mallar覺, telekomünikasyon ve daha birçok alanda analizlere, verilere, günlük bilgilere, ülkelerin ayl覺k raporlar覺, be y覺ll覺k ekonomik tahminleri ile ülke risk hizmet raporlar覺 ve sektör raporlar覺na eriim salamaktad覺r. 

Eitim videolar覺na erimek için lütfen buraya t覺klay覺n覺z.
EMIS (Emerging Markets Information System)

EMIS database provides access to current reports, data, and news from various fields such as business, economics, international relationships, politics, banking and finance, statistics.


EMIS veritaban覺 iletme, ekonomi, uluslararas覺 ilikiler, siyaset, bankac覺l覺k ve finans, istatistik gibi farkl覺 alanlardan güncel rapor, veri ve haberlere eriim imkan覺 salamaktad覺r.
ICPSR (Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research)

ICPSR (Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research) is an international consortium of more than 750 academic institutions and research organizations that provides leadership and training in data access, curation, and analysis methods for the social sciences research community.

ICPSR provides access to a data archive of more than 250,000 research files and 21 specific data collections from the social and behavioral sciences, education, aging, criminal justice, substance abuse, terrorism, and other fields.

Note: Data in some collections are only available to users of ICPSR member institutions. You can access this data after opening a free account with your Bilkent e-mail address.


750'den fazla akademik kurum ve arat覺rma kuruluundan oluan uluslararas覺 bir konsorsiyum olan ICPSR (Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research), sosyal bilimler arat覺rma topluluklar覺 için veri eriimi, iyiletirme ve analiz yöntemleri konusunda liderlik ve eitim salar.

ICPSR, sosyal bilimler ve davran覺 bilimlerinde, eitim, yalanma, ceza adaleti, madde ba覺ml覺l覺覺, terörizm ve dier alanlardan 250.000'den fazla arat覺rma dosyas覺 ve 21 özel veri koleksiyonundan oluan bir veri arivine eriim salar.
Not: Baz覺 koleksiyonlardaki veriler yaln覺z ICPSR üyesi kurumlar覺n kullan覺c覺lar覺na aç覺kt覺r. Bilkent uzant覺l覺 e-posta adresiniz ile ücretsiz hesap açt覺ktan sonra bu verilere eriim salayabilirsiniz.
World Development Indicators Online (World Bank)

WDI Online is a data source on the global economy. It contains statistical data for over 550 development indicators and time series data from 1960-2000 for over 200 countries and 18 country groups. Data includes social, economic, financial, natural resources, and environmental indicators. Data selection screens are intuitive and easy to use. Results can be scaled, indexed against a particular year, viewed by percentage change, and charted. There are also data export options in standard formats like excel.


WDI Online tüm dünya ekonomisini kapsayan bir veritaban覺d覺r. Bu veritaban覺, 18 ülke grubu ve 200’den fazla ülke için 1960 – 2000 y覺llar覺n覺 kapsayan 550’den fazla kalk覺nma göstergelerini ve zaman dizisi verilerini içerir. Bu veriler sosyal, ekonomik, mali, doal kaynaklar ve çevresel göstergeleri içermektedir. Veri seçim ekranlar覺n覺n kullan覺m覺 kolayd覺r. Veri sonuçlar覺 belirli y覺llara göre endekslenebilir veya ölçeklenebilir, yüzdelik deiimlerine göre görüntülenebilir ve emaland覺r覺labilir. Ayr覺ca bu veritaban覺, excel standart formatlar覺nda ihracat veri opsiyonlar覺n覺 da verir.


Alexander Street Academic Video Online

Alexander Street Academic Video Online database provides access to more than 60.000 videos spanning the widest range of subject areas including anthropology, business and economics, counseling, health, history, news, music, theatre.


Alexander Street Academic Video Online veritaban覺 antropoloji, iletme ve ekonomi, rehberlik, sal覺k, tarih, haber, müzik, tiyatro gibi çeitli alanlarda 60.000’den fazla videoya eriim salamaktad覺r.
O’Reilly for Higher Education

O’Reilly for Higher Education database provides access to electronic books, case studies, interactive tutorials, audiobooks, and O'Reilly conference videos on the subjects of business, economics, history, design, computer, software engineering, and more.

The steps to create an account are:

-Click on "Institution not listed."
-Enter your Bilkent e-mail address.
-Click "Let's Go."

If you have previously created an account with your Bilkent e-mail address, you can continue to use the platform with your existing account.


O'Reilly for Higher Education veritaban覺, iletme, ekonomi, tarih, tasar覺m, bilgisayar, yaz覺l覺m mühendislii ve daha fazla konuda elektronik kitaplara, vaka çal覺malar覺na, etkileimli eitimlere, sesli kitaplara ve O'Reilly konferans videolar覺na eriim salar.

Hesap oluturmak için aa覺daki ad覺mlar覺 takip ediniz:

-"Institution not listed" bal覺覺na t覺klay覺n覺z.
- Bilkent e-posta adresinizi giriniz.
-“Let’s Go” seçeneine t覺klay覺n覺z.

Daha önce Bilkent e-posta adresiniz ile oluturduunuz bir hesab覺n覺z var ise mevcut hesab覺n覺z ile platformu kullanmaya devam edebilirsiniz.


Vidobu database contains more than 10.000 Turkish training videos in the fields of science and technology, photography, personal development and career development. With the off campus feature you can also access to the Vidobu database from out off campus via your university e-mail address.

Please click here for off-campus access.


Vidobu veritaban覺 bilim ve teknoloji, fotorafç覺l覺k, kiisel ve mesleki geliim alanlar覺nda 10.000’den fazla Türkçe eitim videosunu içermektedir. Kampüs d覺覺 eriimi sayesinde kampüs alan覺 d覺覺ndan da üniversite mailleriniz arac覺l覺覺 ile Vidobu veritaban覺na eriim salayabilirsiniz.

Kampüs d覺覺 eriim için lütfen buraya t覺klay覺n覺z.
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Naile Mağıltaş

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